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International Journal of Environmental Engineering

International Journal of Environmental Engineering (IJEE)

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International Journal of Environmental Engineering (7 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Environmental and Economic Modelling for Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategies: A Case Study in OH, USA   Order a copy of this article
    by Zonghua Xu, Lakshika Kuruppuarachchi, Alex Spivak, Matthew J. Franchetti 
    Abstract: Management strategies for municipal solid waste (MSW) have been conducted concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for cities and large geographical regions, but few have been conducted related to GHG emissions from a single facility. This study fills that gap by evaluating economic cost, and social cost of CO2e for the treatment of MSW streams for a single large facility in Ohio, USA moving towards a zero waste to landfill strategy. A total of eight scenarios related to varying IWM strategies at the facility were studied. Life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted using the Integrated Waste Management Model (IWM) to find the best potential integrated MSW management strategy. The results indicated that the economic cost and social cost of CO2e decreased by 49.05% and 2.25 times respectively compared with the current scenario by increasing the recycling rate for the facility by 50%, diverting 30% of food waste to AD processing (from 0%), incinerating the rest of the waste for energy, and sending little to zero waste to landfills.
    Keywords: zero waste to landfill; GHG emissions; CO2e social cost; municipal solid waste; life cycle assessment; LCA; integrated waste management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2024.10054292
  • Assessment of daily and seasonal concentrations of particulates matters generated by rice mills in Makurdi using cluster analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Seini Aboh Samuel, Enokela Onum Shadrach 
    Abstract: The study was carried out at four rice milling in Makurdi Markets namely Wadata, Wurukum Roundabout, High-Level, and North-Bank. Nokia C3 stopwatch, Hanhart stopwatch and Crowcon Gasman for sensing carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide were adopted for data collection at 5 minutes’ interval between 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 6 pm for two months in rainy and dry season. The Wurukum Roundabout recorded the highest concentration of CO and NO2 for both seasons plus highest daily SO2 in dry season. The correlation demonstrates that CO was positively significant (0.029) for both seasons while NO2 and SO2 were weakly significant (0.001) at rainy season. Performing cluster evaluation by square Euclidean distance average link between locations for probable similarities that exist among the particulate and locations indicated two clusters in three stages of combination. The coefficients for these stages were 1.89, 71.85 and 245.7.
    Keywords: rice processing; particulate matter; rice mill; air pollutants; Makurdi.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2023.10061971
  • Understanding the environmental impacts of peatland fires: optical density, gas emissions and airflow effects   Order a copy of this article
    by Pither Palamba 
    Abstract: Indonesia boasts expansive peatlands, mainly situated in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua islands. Peatlands play a critical role in maintaining hydrological balance and serving as important carbon sinks. However, peatland fires emit potent greenhouse gases, exacerbating climate change. This study aims to quantify visibility and optical density during dry peat combustion, alongside measuring gas emissions like CO, CO2, O2, and HC under various airflow conditions. Research tracks smoke and gas production, smoldering temperature evolution, and mass loss rates, revealing multistage combustion processes, including pyrolysis (fuel oxidation), char oxidation (smouldering), a portion of may occasionally transition to flaming, and cooling (extinguishing). Dry peat combustion releases volatile matter, leading to dense smoke and incomplete combustion emissions, reducing visibility. Increased airflow accelerates combustion rates and mass loss, intensifying optical density and carbon emissions. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for managing peatland fires and mitigating their environmental impact.
    Keywords: fuel oxidation; char oxidation; mass loss rate; optical density; carbon emission flux.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2024.10063659
  • Economics of waste minimisation, recycling and energy efficiency practices for a final assembly automotive plant   Order a copy of this article
    by Salma Shaik, Matthew J. Franchetti 
    Abstract: The case study investigates the solid waste management infrastructure, energy consumption, and wastewater generation at a large-scale final assembly automotive plant in Northeast Ohio, USA. The study is novel in that it takes a holistic approach in examining solid waste, energy usage, and wastewater generation from an economic perspective at a final assembly automotive plant. Existing records were analysed to identify historical trends and additional data were collected through a comprehensive assessment of the facility. The data analysis indicates that an additional 106.141 metric tons of waste material could be recycled annually. By replacing the existing fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting, the electricity savings are approximately 5 million kWh/year with a cost saving of $500,000/year. The paper also discusses waste-water treatment, paint sludge management, and composting opportunities which would help the plant to become more sustainable with improved economics.
    Keywords: recycling; automotive assembly plant; waste minimisation; solid waste; energy management; economics; lighting; wastewater; composting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2024.10054291
  • Enhanced biomethane generation from sweet sorghum bagasse: improvement of bagasse saccharification using response surface methodology   Order a copy of this article
    by Lakshmi Machineni, Gangagni Rao 
    Abstract: Anaerobic digestion (AD) of either untreated or pre-treated sweet sorghum bagasse (SSB) is not yet fully demonstrated and hence rarely published. In the present work, an untapped carbon-rich SSB is subjected to chemical pre-treatment followed by AD for biomethane production. Grinded powder of dried SSB has 35.85% cellulose, 24.96% hemicelluloses, and 22.35% lignin. Impact of catalyst concentration, residence time and pre-treatment temperature on SSB delignification through alkaline and acid pre-treatment are investigated and assessed by variations in the proximal parameters of bagasse. Response surface methodology (RSM) based central composite design (CCD) tool with statistical analysis of variance is applied to optimize SSB delignification and fermentable sugar recovery for higher biomethane production. The maximum methane production from PSSB is ~75% higher and 55% pure in comparison with untreated SSB. These results will provide significant insights on biomethane production from LCB, namely SSB for future industrial scale-ups.
    Keywords: lignocellulosic biomass; LCB; sweet sorghum bagasse; SSB; pre-treatment; response surface methodology; RSM; biomethane; biorefinery; quality; central composite design; CCD.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2024.10061843
  • The scientific trend of autonomous localisation of mobile robot: a bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Yuanping Yang, Tao Ding, Zhenming Zhang, Xinyan Jiang 
    Abstract: The purpose of this article is to provide an integrated overview of the current state of knowledge in the field of autonomous localisation of mobile robot. To analyse the knowledge base and research frontier of mobile robot autonomous localisation technology, a comprehensive visualisation analysis is carried out by using bibliometric analysis methods. At present, the basic theory and research system of autonomous positioning technology for robots are basically impeccable. Future research directions involve more fields, broad branches, and increasingly closer international cooperation. Autonomous localisation of mobile robot technology will develop in a more intelligent and autonomous direction.
    Keywords: mobile robot; autonomous localisation; bibliometric analysis; artificial intelligence; informetric; visualisation analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2024.10063269
  • Prevention tools against falls from height: a systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Roberto Revoredo De Almeida Filho, Felipe Mendes Da Cruz, Augusto Cesar Cabral Santos, Rogério Pontes De Araújo, Thiago Leite Martins Moreira Fernandes 
    Abstract: The objective of this article is to present management tools for fall risk, addressing theoretical and practical aspects, serving as a resource for guidance in decisions and strategies for prevention and control of the risk of falling height. A systematic literature review (SLR) was performed between November 2022 and February 2023, based on the PRISMA preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis method. The systematic review was divided into three stages: review protocol, exclusion of papers and data analysis. From the revision protocol, 10,328 works were reached to be filtered. After the exclusion process, we reached 44 articles that were analysed in this study. Among prevention methods, computer vision is the most used tool in fall risk management, followed by sensors. And integrating multiple technologies and approaches allows for more efficient and personalised risk management.
    Keywords: falling from height; systematic literature review; SLR; accident prevention; risk management; enabling technologies.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2024.10064670