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International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation

International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation (IJEDPO)

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International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Optimised development of a prototype selective laser sintering powder recoating system via analytic hierarchy process   Order a copy of this article
    by Panagiotis Avrampos 
    Abstract: This article presents the methodological design and manufacturing of a prototype powder recoating system (PRS) for a custom selective laser sintering (SLS) machine aimed at investigating/modelling and benchmarking the process as regards polymer powders. Firstly, available powder deposition methods are examined, namely: mechanical, electrostatic, vibrational, aerosol-assisted spray and tower nozzle deposition. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to systematically compare and rank them according to criteria like: calibration need, spreading speed, deposited surface quality, functional simplicity, control/automation ease, manufacturing ease and cost. Mechanical method is found to be the most advantageous. Then, a custom PRS utilising a roller/blade combination is developed by providing engineering solutions for the individual functions that should be supported and divided into doser/siever and recoater groups. Each group is compared via AHP to the widely - adopted in industry - benchmark mechanical PRS and superiority of the prototype is proven. The latter’s detail design is subsequently presented.
    Keywords: selective laser sintering; SLS; selective laser melting; SLM; powder deposition; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; recoater; doctor blade; roller.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEDPO.2023.10059808
  • Optimal experimental designs for hypothesis testing with multiple factors: maximising power for the biological sciences   Order a copy of this article
    by Colin M. Lynch, Douglas C. Montgomery 
    Abstract: Biologists are facing mounting pressure to perform more complicated experiments with smaller budgets, but the main tool they use to design these experiments - power analyses - are often only calculated for a single factor. When an experiment includes multiple factors, then the spread of points among those factors influences power. Research into the design of experiments has uncovered many useful designs, but because they are not usually described in terms of power, they tend to be ignored by biologists. Here, to show the utility of these designs by calculating their power in two different experimental contexts. We find that various screening experiments provide comparable levels of power; however, they do so for differing numbers of factors. Definitive screening designs maintain high power levels for the largest number of factors. We also find that A-efficient designs (especially central composite designs) maximise power for experiments which characterise a nonlinear response surface.
    Keywords: power; experimental designs; hypothesis testing; classical designs; screening experiments; sample size.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEDPO.2023.10061657
  • Analysis of mixture experiments with process variables using strip-plot design   Order a copy of this article
    by Bushra Husain , Fariha Aslam  
    Abstract: The characteristics of a product are determined by the formulation of the mixture and the conditions under which it is processed. To optimise product quality (or characteristics), the proportions of the components in the combination as well as the process variables are evaluated and compared. The inclusion of difficult-to-change elements might complicate testing by imposing restrictions on randomisation. A suitable design for restricted randomisation may be a strip-plot design. This paper discusses the use of strip-plot design in analysing mixture-process variable experiments by using the three mixture component with two process variables example of vinyl thickness experiment, when there is only one constraint and when more than one restriction is applied to the mixture components. Mixture experiments with time and cost constraints and hard to change process variables, or in the case of additional restriction or where the binary or ternary blends of components and their interaction with process variables are of interest, it will be recommended to use a strip plot design with replications.
    Keywords: mixture experiments; process variables; restricted maximum likelihood; REML; strip-plot design; split-plot design.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEDPO.2024.10064586
  • A systematic approach of surface texture prediction during high-speed CNC turning of ARNE® (AISI O1) alloyed steel using response surface analysis and artificial neural networks   Order a copy of this article
    by Nikolaos A. Fountas, Aleksandar Vencl, Angelos M. Koutsomichalis, Nikolaos M. Vaxevanidis 
    Abstract: The present research reports on the application of the artificial neural networks (ANNs) for the modelling of processed surface texture parameters in turning of a high-strength, high alloyed steel. The variable input parameters of the ANN consisted of cutting speed Vc (m/min), feed rate f (mm/rev), and depth of cut, a (mm) whereas the output parameters that utilised were the average surface roughness Ra and maximum height of the measured profile, Rt. A full factorial experimental design (FF-DOE) was selected for generating the experimental data. The achieved outcomes indicated that, despite the complexity of the process and parameter interactions, the suggested ANN could be efficiently used to forecast the surface texture parameters during the hard turning process, thus confirming the production process planning.
    Keywords: design of experiments; response surface analysis; artificial neural networks; ANNs; high-speed CNC turning; surface roughness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEDPO.2024.10065510