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International Journal of Electronic Banking

International Journal of Electronic Banking (IJEBank)

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International Journal of Electronic Banking (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Assessing the effectiveness of the BC model in financial inclusion of the poor and marginalised utilising the theory of service convenience   Order a copy of this article
    by Mohd Adnan, Jaidev Singh Negi 
    Abstract: The business correspondent model has emerged as a predominant delivery channel for banking services for the poor and marginalised, especially in remote and rural regions in India. However, despite its growing importance and role in banking outreach, there is an absence of empirical research on its effect on banking behaviour from the consumer perspective. Filling this gap, the current study examines the attributes of the BC model and its effect on the banking behaviour of users employing the theory of service convenience. For this, a scale was developed and validated and hypothesised relations were tested employing PLS-SEM using SmartPLS version 4. The findings reveal a statistically significant positive impact of the attributes of the BC model on banking usage behaviour. This study contributes to the broader literature on financial inclusion, consumer behaviour, and service marketing and the findings hold implications for policymakers and financial institutions, especially in developing countries.
    Keywords: financial inclusion; banking usage behaviour; BUB; theory of service convenience; PLS-SEM; business correspondent model; BC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEBANK.2024.10065107
  • Consumer perspectives towards mobile banking adoption in Haryana   Order a copy of this article
    by Khujan Singh, Sachin Ranga, Sunder Muwal 
    Abstract: This study is an attempt to know the consumers’ perspectives about mobile banking adoption in Haryana based on the demographic profiles of the consumers. A sample of 250 respondents of different district of Haryana has been taken with help of adapted questionnaire. The data has been analysed by applying the t-tests, one-way ANOVA and Welch tests, etc. The study found high mobile banking adoption in urban area in comparison to the rural area. Moreover, rural respondents of lower age group also show greater willingness to adopt banking services. Further, middle income group demonstrated higher level of adoption towards mobile banking in comparison to other age groups.
    Keywords: mobile banking; adoption; t test; ANOVA.

  • Forecasting annual inflation rate of Ethiopia (2023-2027): autoregressive moving average model approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Sintayehu Ermias Lolemo 
    Abstract: This research addresses the significant implications of increased inflation volatility, highlighting the heightened uncertainty it brings to producers and consumers when anticipating future prices. Recognising the profound impact of inflation volatility on market dynamics, this study focuses on forecasting the annual inflation rate in Ethiopia from 2023 to 2027. Using annual inflation data from 1966 to 2022, obtained from, the researcher developed an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. A thorough examination of the model specification, stationarity, normality, and heteroscedasticity was done using the residual diagnostic checks, correlogram, and augmented Dickey-Fuller test. The unit root test revealed the stationary nature of the inflation rate at this level. The findings established that the ARMA (0, 4) model is appropriate and most suitable for predicting Ethiopia’s inflation rate. Moreover, the results suggest a gradual decline in the inflation rate over the next five years.
    Keywords: annual inflation rate; ARMA model; correlogram; Ethiopia; Inflation forecasting; residual diagnostic checks; stationarity; time series analysis; unit root test.

  • Factors impacting use of various digital payment methods in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Baljinder Kaur 
    Abstract: Today, the users’ have access to various digital banking services 24x7, without visiting the branch right from opening an account, fund transfer, deposits and bill payments, etc. The transition from paper-based banking and payment system to digital payment system has been a challenge for the users as they are the vital player in the digital payment ecosystem. For rapid penetration of digital payment methods in day-to-day transactions, it becomes critical to understand the factors influencing the acceptance of digital payment methods. This study is an attempt to examine the factors effecting the decision to use various digital payment methods. For identification of factors affecting the use of digital payment methods factor analysis was applied to the data and further suggesting the practices for improving acceptance of users based in urban cities of Punjab. This research is an endeavour to mark several noteworthy contributions to the literature in addition to the practical implications. It is carried out with a distinctive perspective from former studies and will draw significant insights from its empirical counterpart. The study aims to provide users and potential users (non-users) with a more promising digital ecosystem that leads India towards a cashless economy.
    Keywords: Digital Payments; user-friendly; trust; usefulness and convenience.