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International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support

International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support (IJCPS)

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International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Cognitive Computing Based Robot for Effective Teaching   Order a copy of this article
    by Amit Yadav, Trapti Jain, Neelam Srivastava, Jyoti Vimal 
    Abstract: The modern research is moving towards to cognitive education robot based on the past decade educational system which was traditional. Tutors were using the chalk and board medium in their teachings. This was due to the technical restriction of that time, but due to the enhancement in the technology these days, teachers should use the technological effect in their teachings. Like audio-visual effects (for better understanding of the concepts and removing the monotonicity of the classroom environment), simulation systems (for real-world hallucination), online quizzes, expert systems, and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). Therefore, for achieving the required target, one should need a system/robot (hardware, and software combination) which can behave intelligently and can have the ability to fulfil the fundamental goal. Another problem in the pedagogical system is that the teachers are human beings and have some physical constraints. Its like they cannot teach effectively for a very long period. As the age grows, physical organs (like eyes, ears) get weak, and the memory loss may also happen. Additionally, some of the teachers are not willing to update them knowledge periodically. It requires an autonomous system/robot which can behave intelligently and can help the teachers in their teachings.
    Keywords: Robot-based computing; Natural Language Processing (NLP); Knowledge-Base; Cognitive Computing Techniques; Answer Recommendation; and Confidence Value System.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJCPS.2024.10068797