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International Journal of Biotechnology

International Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT)

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International Journal of Biotechnology (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A review on prebiotics and probiotics: beneficial effects and therapeutic role in COVID-19 and various disorders   Order a copy of this article
    by Aziz Ahmed, Mohd Shuaib, Ankita Sharma, Surbhi Jangir, Deeksha Sharma 
    Abstract: Probiotic is derived from the Greek word meaning life, probiotics are live microorganisms, which have various pharmacological actions and are useful in the treatment of various gastrointestinal, mental, autoimmune, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases and disorders. The present work analyses all possible beneficial effects of probiotics and prebiotics by concluding various journals in the field of probiotics and prebiotics medication and reviewing the pharmacological effects of prebiotics and probiotics for the treatment of various diseases and disorders. The paper is helpful to make aware everyone of the beneficial effects of probiotics and prebiotics as well as helpful to provoke the use of probiotics and prebiotic as medication for the treatment of various diseases. Moreover, the actions could differ depending on the individual and the type of food containing the prebiotics or probiotics. They are supposed to be safe for oral routes due to their comparatively low adverse effects.
    Keywords: prebiotics; probiotics; COVID-19; irritable bowel syndrome; IBS; hypertension; diabetes.

  • A review of the epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, prophylaxis and pandemic potential of the Nipah virus   Order a copy of this article
    by Sujeet Kumar Mritunjay, Dhananjay Kashyap, Shailaja Mohanta, Santosh Kumar, Vipin Kumar, Varsha Chauhan, Sadhna Chaturvedi 
    Abstract: Nipah virus (NiV) is an enveloped, negative-sense RNA virus of the Paramyxoviridae family. It is highly pathogenic to an extensive range of mammals and is considered to have pandemic capabilities because of its ability to transmit from animals and person to person. The reservoir of NiV is bat (i.e., Pteropus species or fruit bats). Transmission of NiV is primarily from bats to animals or bats to humans or animals to human but human to human transmission is barely occur such as in the outbreaks seen in Bangladesh and India. The NiV infection clinical symptoms range from asymptomatic to very severe and most of the patients show symptomatic symptoms associated with CNS and respiratory diseases. NiV can be diagnosed using a variety of techniques, including molecular approaches and serological methods (ELISA, virus neutralisation, and luminex) (RT-PCR, tissue culture method and immunohistochemistry). NiV vaccinations are not yet available; instead, patients are treated symptomatically.
    Keywords: Nipah virus; NiV; paramyxoviridae; Japanese B encephalitis virus; JEV; RT-PCR; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; ELISA.

  • Green synthesised nanoparticles as an antibiofilm agent   Order a copy of this article
    by Swati Tanti, Suchitra Kumari Panigrahy 
    Abstract: The biofilm is an extracellular matrix made of biological polymers such exopolysaccharide (EPS), protein, and DNA that surrounds microbial organisms. Similarly, dental biofilm can be described as the association of oral biofilm forming microbes on the external surface of the teeth. This dental biofilm development can lead to several oral health issues, like plaque and caries formation. Recent reports show that nanoparticles have great antibiofilm property making it suitable for treatment. Silver, gold, copper etc. are some of the metal nanoparticle and chitosan is one of the natural polymer that is used to synthesise the nanoparticle for treatment of oral biofilm. Chitosan is a biodegradable component extracted from the chitin shells of shrimps and other crustaceans. It inhibits biofilm by disrupting the permeability of the cell wall, by initiating the production of ROS or by binding to the DNA of the bacteria. Researchers have been interested in the antibiofilm activity of plant extracts as well as those of other physiologically active compounds derived from leaves, stems, and roots. The bioactive compounds present in the plants such as phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids etc. provides it the antibiofilm property. This review specially focuses on the antibiofilm property of the chitosan nanoparticle incorporated with different plant extracts.
    Keywords: biofilm; chitosan; nanoparticle.