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International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling

International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling (IJBPSCM)

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International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • E-Commerce Efficient Supply Chain through Virtual Responsiveness   Order a copy of this article
    by Godwin T 
    Abstract: The purchase behaviour of customers has evolved with the advent of e-commerce where the waiting period tolerance is much higher than a purchase from a physical store. A virtual responsiveness framework for supply chains is proposed that could possibly enable a supply chain to be both responsive and efficient for e-commerce purchases. Actual and virtual responsiveness are compared for the movement of a product from an e-tailer to customer using a simulation model. It is observed that virtual responsiveness increases order fill rate and reduces average inventory at the e-tailer while increasing the number of shipments from the supplier to e-tailer for inventory replenishments. An e-tailer that benefits not only from lagged virtual pooling of inventory but also from order delivery aggregation. The resulting cost savings could not only help in economic sustainability of supply chains but a part of it could be passed back to customers.
    Keywords: Supply chain responsiveness; inventory; virtual responsiveness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPSCM.2024.10065864
  • Framework for Engineering Supply Chain Performance in Manufacturing Sector   Order a copy of this article
    by Fatima Maryum, Syed Mehmood Hasan, Satya Shah, Elmira Naghi Ganji 
    Abstract: Supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 have dramatically altered the performance of the supply chain as measured. Some companies were unable to keep their supply chain running despite being rated as excellent in the traditional supply chain performance rating system. Considering modern dynamics, this study develops a standard framework for measuring integrated supply chain performance. The developed framework consists of six elements that are flexibility, quality, resource utilisation, customer satisfaction, delivery lead time, and reduced cost as ideal parameters. This framework is validated by taking two large-scale manufacturing industries as the case. The collected data is then analysed using a regression method to show the correlation between Supply chain performance and the six parameters in the sustainable supply chain network. Finally, a paired comparison matrix is produced using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) multicriteria decision analysis to evaluate the outcomes across important parameters like reduced cost, quality, flexibility, customer satisfaction, delivery lead time, and resource utilisation. The purpose of this analysis is to determine how Pakistans industrial sectors are positioned in a thematic conceptual framework.
    Keywords: Analytic hierarchal process modelling; performance measurement system (PMS); supply chain indicators; supply chain performance drivers; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPSCM.2024.10067784
  • Digital Circular Supply Chains: a Review of Applications, Benefits, and Future Research Directions   Order a copy of this article
    by Shantanu Trivedi, Saurav Negi, Dr. Thadi Joji Rao 
    Abstract: Digitalisation has revolutionised global supply chains, leveraging technologies like blockchain, AI, drones, cloud computing, and IoT. Among these advancements, digital circular supply chains (CSCs) have gained prominence for their potential to achieve sustainability and operational efficiency while fostering growth opportunities. This study provides a comprehensive review of digital CSCs, examining their applications, features, and implications across various sectors. By analysing recent research, the study highlights the integration of CSC principles with digital technologies to optimise resource and energy efficiency. Key findings suggest that digital CSCs minimise waste through superior design, technology integration, product reuse, and material recycling. The study also emphasises the need for a holistic approach to digital SCM to maximise its benefits. Offering valuable insights, this research outlines the advantages of digital CSCs and identifies future research opportunities to advance sustainability in supply chain practices.
    Keywords: Circular Supply Chain; Circular Economy; Digital Supply Chain; Blockchain; Digitalization.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBPSCM.2024.10068841