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International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence

International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (IJBFMI)

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International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence (33 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • An Exploratory Study of Various Factors Influencing Customer Behaviour towards Apparel E-Commerce in Pakistan   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Umer Chaudhry, Syed Shoaib Nazir 
    Abstract: This study investigated the interplay between customer behaviour, attitudes toward e-commerce and apparel e-commerce, and brand image in Pakistan's apparel e-commerce sector. Using a survey of 466 Pakistani apparel online shoppers, with equal gender representation, the research explored factors influencing customer behaviour, with customer attitude and brand image as independent variables and behaviour as dependent. Statistical analyses confirmed significant positive relationships between customer attitude toward e-commerce and apparel e-commerce, brand image, and customer behaviour. Findings suggest that favourable e-commerce attitudes and positive brand perceptions enhance customer behaviour in apparel e-commerce. Additionally, demographic attributes were found to influence customer behaviour and attitudes. This underscores the importance of understanding both consumer perceptions and demographic factors in shaping strategies within the apparel e-commerce market in Pakistan.
    Keywords: apparel e-commerce; customer-behaviour; CB; customer-attitude; CA; brand-image; BI; Pakistan.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10064421
  • Perceptual Benchmarking Study of Personal Water Conservation and its Global Crisis within a Healthcare Environment   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith  
    Abstract: Droughts and lack of quality water supplies have become a worldwide phenomenon that has been accelerating within the last 50+ years. This crisis has created unusable grey water and greatly reduced needed water supplies for consumption and sanitation. It has become a global healthcare policy problem that must be solved. This research outlines the growing number of the population that is experiencing a shortage of potable water and analyses methods for reducing the severity of this problem. Based on an analysis of primarily a sample of the Great Lakes' population (n = 580), motivation concerning water conservation and water scarcity were examined. Each age group and gender were analysed and three hypotheses were tested to determine if these relationships among conservation variables were statistically significant. Unfortunately, most were not actively involved, just installing water-conserving fixtures in their home by a function of age, females and more educated are most concerned.
    Keywords: cognitive dissonance theory; grey water; personal healthcare; pollution; water conservation; water infrastructure; water shortage.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10064706
  • Online Environmental Influencers and Pro-Environmental Purchase Intentions: Examining the Interplay of Green Brand Attitude and Green Brand Associations in Green Fast-Moving Consumer Goods   Order a copy of this article
    by Pearl Fafa Bansah, Vanessa Gaffar, Disman Disman, A.Y.U. Krishna Yuliawati 
    Abstract: This study investigates the influence of online green influencers on pro-environmental purchase intentions and the mediating effects of green brand attitudes and associations of green fast-moving consumer goods in Ghana (FMCG). We examined the data collected using questionnaires from a diverse sample of 649 participants. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the empirical data. We found that online green influencers exert a significant effect on the pro-environmental purchase intentions of FMCG consumers. We establish that the relationship between online green influencers and pro-environmental purchasing intentions is mediated by green brand attitude. In addition, we established that online green influencers have an indirect impact on pro-environmental purchasing intentions through the cultivation of a positive attitude towards green brands rather than through the establishment of associations with green brands. Leveraging online green influencers, building strong brand associations with sustainability, and cultivating positive brand attitudes enhance pro-environmental purchase intentions.
    Keywords: online green influencers; green brand attitude; green brand associations; pro-environmental purchase intentions; structural equation model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10064999
  • Exploring Sectoral Profitability in the Indian Stock Market Using Deep Learning   Order a copy of this article
    by Jaydip Sen, Hetvi Waghela, Sneha Rakshit 
    Abstract: This paper explores using a deep learning long short-term memory (LSTM) model for accurate stock price prediction and its implications for portfolio design. Despite the efficient market hypothesis suggesting that predicting stock prices is impossible, recent research has shown the potential of advanced algorithms and predictive models. The study builds upon existing literature on stock price prediction methods, emphasising the shift toward machine learning and deep learning approaches. Using historical stock prices of 180 stocks across 18 sectors listed on the NSE, India, the LSTM model predicts future prices. These predictions guide buy/sell decisions for each stock and analyse sector profitability. The study's main contributions are threefold: introducing an optimised LSTM model for robust portfolio design, utilising LSTM predictions for buy/sell transactions, and insights into sector profitability and volatility. Results demonstrate the efficacy of the LSTM model in accurately predicting stock prices and informing investment decisions. By comparing sector profitability and prediction accuracy, the work provides valuable insights into the dynamics of the current financial markets in India.
    Keywords: deep learning; long short-term memory; LSTM; network; return; sectoral portfolio; return; risk; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10065378
  • Beyond the Bling: Demystifying the Surge in India's Gold ETF Market   Order a copy of this article
    by Saket Ranjan Praveer, Baba Gnanakumar, M.K. Baby 
    Abstract: This research investigates the surge in demand for Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in India compared to physical gold between April 2019 and October 2023. It aims to identify the factors driving this shift, focusing on investor sentiment, risk-return profiles, and market trends. The study employs a two-phase approach. First phase analyses the relationship between gold and Gold ETFs in terms of price and returns using Pearson correlation and Granger causality tests. Second phase assesses investor sentiment through sentiment analysis of reviews from investment forums. Data is collected for gold prices, returns, Gold ETF prices, returns, and investor sentiment from April 2019 to October 2023. The analysis focuses on seven Gold ETFs with exponential growth: HDFC, ICICI, LIC, NIPPON, SBI, UTI, and KOTAK. The research findings provide valuable insights into the dynamics of investment surges and their implications for market participants.
    Keywords: Gold ETFs; investment surge; investor sentiment; gold price; Granger causality; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10065418
  • Examining the Growth of Online Sales and Disintermediation in the Real-Estate Marketplace   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith, Anna Abdulmanova, Heather Elfen 
    Abstract: The real-estate business, like many other business models, has been affected by the evolution of e-commerce as this information-rich industry lends itself to the many applications of technology. This research effort focuses on the real-estate market and consumers' perceptions of its effectiveness and accessibility. A sample of 1,736 relatively well-educated respondents in the Great Lakes region was used to study preferences in their search for housing. With a lot of housing information readily available to consumers, respondents found the role of real-estate agents to be unimportant. This evidence suggests that advancements in technology could lead to industry disintermediation. Additionally, factor-based profiles of housing search preferences and respondents' genders were created.
    Keywords: disintermediation; e-commerce; factor analysis; online marketing; real-estate marketing; search engines; supply chain management; SCM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10065533
  • Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Tourism Marketing   Order a copy of this article
    by Alexandre Cesar Rosa, Sandro Deretti, Claudimar Pereira Da Veiga 
    Abstract: While tourism marketing has been extensively explored in the literature due to its significant socio-economic impact worldwide, this study examines the integration of ecotourism with sustainable practices within tourism marketing. We explore the dynamic relationship between tourism and sustainable development through a systematic literature review (SLR) conducted over the past 22 years. The primary objective is to synthesise academic discussions, focusing on how ecotourism is intertwined with sustainable marketing strategies and the resulting socio-economic and environmental impacts. The results reveal substantial thematic coherence across the literature, emphasising the enhancement of local communities, mitigation of environmental impacts, and advancement toward global sustainability goals. The findings provide key insights and practical recommendations, particularly for policymakers and industry stakeholders, aiming to develop effective strategies and public policies that promote sustainable growth in tourism by leveraging ecotourism practices.
    Keywords: sustainable development goals; SDGs; ecotourism marketing; sustainable tourism strategy; tourism demand forecasting; ecotourism impact; environmental sustainability; economic development in tourism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10065677
  • Is Semiotics Capable of Improving Advertising Effectiveness for Gen.Z?   Order a copy of this article
    by Rajesh Srivastava, Sandeep Bhanot 
    Abstract: It is qualitative research involving NVIVO software and a word cloud followed by quantitative research involving primary research. Our study examines the impact of semiotics exhibited in TV advertisements on viewers like Gen Z as they are emerging a big market for consumer products. It was found that brand recall was influenced by trust in the brand if it was targeted at Gen Z. As a result of incorporating semiotics into the advertisement, it will enhance mood and emotion, and will likely be influenced by cultural values as a background, followed by music and jingles, dialogue choices, signs, and symbols if it is aimed at Gen Z in emerging markets like India. The results of this study provide marketers with practical guidelines for designing advertisements using semiotics that appeal to Gen Z of different ages and genders. This research study adds value to existing literature in Indian advertising using semiotics. The influence of television advertising using semiotics on Gen Z in their brand recall and purchase intentions in emerging markets is an important contribution, as they are the main target consumers for global brands.
    Keywords: semiotics; cultural values; emotion and mood; music and jingle; brand recall.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10066279
  • SMEs continuing intentions using mobile payments: an extension of the expectation confirmation model   Order a copy of this article
    by Anna Widayani, Ika Rachmawati, Nilawati Fiernaningsih, Pudji Herijanto 
    Abstract: The surge in smartphone ownership across Indonesia has propelled the widespread adoption of mobile payment technology, significantly impacting the digital economy landscape. Despite this upward trend, challenges persist in shifting consumer and merchant behaviour toward digital payment methods. In East Java, micro and small enterprises (MSE) encounter barriers such as technological uncertainties, security apprehensions, and a limited understanding of the advantages offered. Consequently, further investigation is imperative to comprehend MSEs’ adoption behaviour concerning mobile payments and formulate more productive strategies to bolster adoption rates and usage among MSEs. This study, encompassing 400 MSE proprietors in East Java, utilised the SEM-PLS analytical approach to assess the influence of confirmation, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction on the sustained intention to use mobile payments. Findings underscored the significant and affirmative impact of confirmation, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction on the prolonged intention to engage with mobile payment platforms.
    Keywords: continuous intentions; satisfaction; perceived usefulness; confirmation; SME; mobile payment; micro and small enterprises; MSE.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10066523
  • Antecedents of Loyalty in Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce   Order a copy of this article
    by Claudimar Pereira Da Veiga, Cássia Rita Pereira Da Veiga, Leandro Ferreira, Su Zhaohui 
    Abstract: This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to analyse the antecedents of loyalty in business-to-business electronic commerce (eB2B). The research explores how relationship quality, trust, satisfaction, and service touchpoints contribute to developing and sustaining customer loyalty from both buyer and seller perspectives. Utilising the SPAR-4-SLR protocol, the review follows three stages: assembling studies from Web of Science and Scopus (20052023). The findings reveal a significant shift in eB2B marketing from transactional exchanges to behavioural interactions that foster loyalty, highlighting the crucial roles of relationship quality, trust, satisfaction, and comprehensive service touchpoints. This SLR provides the first extensive synthesis of loyalty mechanisms in eB2B, offering actionable insights for marketers and managers. It underscores the importance of integrating marketing intelligence and innovative methodologies in business forecasting, aligning with contemporary practices and theories to enhance strategic decision-making and contribute to sustainable business growth.
    Keywords: business intelligence; industrial marketing; business-to-business; buyer-seller interaction; buyer-seller relations; e-commerce; loyalty.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10066687
  • Do Customer Demographics have any Relationship with the Customer Engagement Construct?   Order a copy of this article
    by Uday Bhale 
    Abstract: This research attempted to study the factors affecting customer engagement and their demographic association in study telecom industry. The research objectives for the given study are: 1) to find the different types of customer engagement service channels in telecom; 2) to study the association of customer engagement with customer demographics. 1,600 customers have been selected for the current study with a quota-based purposive sampling method from India. To perform data analysis the sample is split into eight hundred each with similar characteristics. EFA is used to form the construct from the first set of samples. Another eight hundred sets of samples are used for CFA to confirm the factors. To test the association between customer engagements with demographics chi-square test is used.
    Keywords: customer engagement; demographic association; telecom.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10066701
  • E-Marketplace and Jewellery Shopping: A Digital Lens perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Jeevana Kalla, Chetna Sarma 
    Abstract: This systematic literature review examines the current state of online jewellery shopping in India, focusing on research conducted in the last decade. The study reveals a growing trend in online jewellery shopping, with consumers prioritising comfort over safety. To enhance the online shopping experience, retailers must provide detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and user-friendly return policies. Additionally, an intuitive website interface and emerging technologies such as virtual reality can further enrich the online retailing experience. The review highlights the importance of adapting to changing consumer expectations and technological advancements. Furthermore, the study suggests that emerging technologies like augmented reality and artificial intelligence could provide valuable insights into future developments in the field. This comprehensive overview of the online jewellery retailing sector in India provides valuable insights for retailers, policymakers, and researchers seeking to understand the trends and future directions of this growing market.
    Keywords: online shopping; e-commerce; jewellery shopping research; jewellery markets; consumer behaviour; digital marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10066916
  • Tool for Operational Analysis of a DC Distribution Nanogrid using Business Intelligence Software   Order a copy of this article
    by André Costa, Arthur Fonseca, José FIlho, Ana Silva, João Machado, Marcos Galhardo, Wilson Macêdo 
    Abstract: Solar energy is a viable alternative for electricity access in remote communities in the legal Amazon. In recent years, thousands of stand-alone photovoltaic systems have been implemented through government programs such as the Brazilian national program for universal access to and use of electric energy light for all. However, there is limited information available about the operation of these systems. To study off-grid systems located in remote communities in this region, the present work aims to present the concepts for developing and implementing a stratified data analysis tool using business intelligence (BI) for operational data collected in a stand-alone direct current nanogrid located in a riparian community on Ilha das On
    Keywords: business intelligence; BI; DC nanogrid; photovoltaic solar energy; data modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10067166
  • Factors Influencing the Adoption of Airbnb among Ghanaians: a Study Moderated by Culture   Order a copy of this article
    by Acheampong Owusu, Paul Asante, Ivy Hawah Taana 
    Abstract: This study explores the factors influencing the adoption of Airbnb among Ghanaians and also examines the moderating effect of culture impacting the use of the service. A research framework was developed under the lens of the UTAUT model and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions for the study. Employing a qualitative method, primary data were collected from 17 participants through purposive sampling and analysed via thematic analysis. The findings indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence had an impact on behavioural intention to use Airbnb; facilitating conditions also influence user behaviour to use the service. The findings further suggest that cultural dimensions (uncertainty avoidance, power distance, individualism/collectivism, and masculinity) moderated the influencing factors on behavioural intention. The findings thus inform managers of Airbnb to increase their effort to make it universally recognised in Ghana as it provides more convenient services to customers.
    Keywords: digital platforms; sharing economy; Airbnb; UTAUT; Hofstede’s cultural dimensions; qualitative method; Ghana.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10067495
  • Omni-Channel Marketing Approaches for Enhanced Consumer Engagement in Retail Businesses   Order a copy of this article
    by Naveen Kumar R., Neerupa C, Janani M. ., John William A 
    Abstract: In today's marketplace, businesses need to engage consumers across multiple touch points seamlessly. To address this challenge, omnichannel marketing has emerged as a strategic approach. It emphasizes the integration of various channels to deliver a cohesive brand experience. This approach is essential in our digitally interconnected world. This paper provides an overview of Omni Channel Marketing (OCM), a strategic approach that integrates online and offline channels to enhance consumer engagement and brand loyalty. E-commerce is driven by AI and social media. COVID-19 accelerated OCM. Branding and digital capabilities are important. Digital technology impacts physical and online channels. Consumer behavior in India needs innovative approaches. The KMO measure supports factor analysis but needs refinement. Significant correlations appear in Bartlett's test. Factors like digital touch points, personalization strategies, customer satisfaction, technology integration, customer journey mapping, and data analytics exhibit significant loadings. Factors 1 and 2 focus on digital touch points and personalization strategies, while Factors 3, 4, and 5 represent technology integration and customer journey mapping, providing insights for marketing strategies.
    Keywords: Omni-channel marketing; consumer engagement; brand loyalty; e-commerce surge; social media integration; and digital capabilities.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10067579
  • The Technological and Non-Technological Elements of Industry 4.0: a Bibliometric Study and a Theoretical Model   Order a copy of this article
    by Wagner Guedin, Pedro Henrique Sousa 
    Abstract: This research aims to review the fundamentals of Industry 4.0, its interface with technological and non-technological elements and investigate gaps in the research of Culot et al. (2020): current definitional ambiguity; the defining dimensions and sub-dimensions that characterise Industry 4.0 in technological and non-technological aspects; identification of the foundations of Industry 4.0. To respond to these gaps, we opted for a historical analysis through qualitative research, using bibliographic research as a method of analysing scientific production in the period from 2018 to 2023. Two-hundred forty-eight scientific articles were selected and analysed. As the main evidence of this bibliographical review, Germany's leading role in research, development of public policies and the vanguardism of companies and organisations stands out; the movement of Chinese and South Korean industry; the description of the elements of Industry 4.0; and the presentation of a theoretical model with 18 reference descriptive attributes for Industry 4.0.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; Fourth Industrial Revolution; elements; attributes; historical-integrative review.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10067645
  • The Effects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Consumer Behaviour, Demand Prediction and Chatbots in the realm of Digital Marketing   Order a copy of this article
    by Salma Akter, Md Azmol Fuad Talukder, Taj Ashrafi, Fahim Ahmed 
    Abstract: The principal objective of this study was to ascertain the potential digital marketing applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This study used a standardised questionnaire to collect data from 250 people. We used SPSS statistical analysis included ANOVA, correlation, paired t-test, and crosstab. The parameters we examined related to digital marketing are AI and ML generated consumer behaviour data, AI and ML for demand prediction in digital marketing, chatbots created by AI, and ML in digital marketing. This study reveals that the utilisation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Digital Marketing is significantly influenced by consumer behaviour data collected through AI and ML techniques. The findings of this study can assist organisations worldwide in determining the most effective digital marketing strategies to attract buyers and successfully steer their businesses in a new direction. This research identifies techniques that influence the use of AI and ML in Digital Marketing.
    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Digital Marketing; Demand Predictions; Chatbots; Consumer Behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10068056
  • Corporate Board Expertise and Earnings Quality: the Moderating Role of Audit Committee Independence   Order a copy of this article
    by Ozigi Omoyi Obeitoh  
    Abstract: The study examines the moderating role of audit committee independence on the relationship between board expertise and earnings quality. The financial services sector consists of 50 firms out of which the study drew 41 samples after eliminating 9 firms as a result of incomplete data. The study covers an 11-year period ranging from 2012 to 2022. The findings of the study show that directors with expertise in accounting, finance and business improves earnings quality. In addition, the study reveals that audit committee independence moderates the association between directors with expertise in accounting, finance and earnings quality. Examining earnings quality from long-term sustainable point of view as against short term and introduction of moderator are the major contributions of this study. The study recommends the need for improved regulation on the number of directors with accounting and finance background as this will lead to a more improved earnings quality.
    Keywords: Earnings predictability; earnings smoothen; accounting expertise; finance expertise; business expertise.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10068315
  • Understanding Continuous Usage of Mobile Wallet Services in India: an Application of Stimulus Organism Response (SOR) Paradigm   Order a copy of this article
    by Fahad , Mohammad Shahid 
    Abstract: The present work explores the reasons behind existing m-wallet users' continuous use intentions of the platform in India's developing economy. The conceptual model of the present study is formulated using the stimulus organism response (SOR) concept. The result of the SEM showed that except for awareness, perceived usefulness, compatibility, facilitating conditions, and convenience associated with the m-wallet platform positively impact the users' attitudes. Also, except for touch-free transactions, perceived usefulness, facilitating conditions, awareness, and attitude positively impact the users' behavioural intentions toward the m-wallet platform. Further, attitude and behavioural intentions are found to influence the continuous usage intentions of the users positively. Based on the findings, the present study offers practical implications and suggestions to the m-wallet service providers and marketers, which might help formulate strategies related to m-wallet, which may help facilitate retaining existing m-wallet users and bringing new users to the platform.
    Keywords: Mobile wallet; Stimulus Organism Response Model; Consumer Behaviour; Consumer attitude; Continuous Usage; Touch-free Transactions.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10068632
  • Applying Six Sigma DMAIC to Reduce Variability in Packing Weights and Acidity Values   Order a copy of this article
    by Samer Abaddi 
    Abstract: Acidity Value (AV) is one of the significant attributes that should be monitored frequently in ghee production. High AV variability not only causes productivity and quality problems but also constitutes a health issue for the end consumer. This study applies the Six Sigma methodology using DMAIC to one of the oldest vegetable oil manufacturing companies in Jordan. Using the process capability measure, the study found low to medium sigma levels (2.46 and 3.06) for the packing weight and AV attributes, respectively. Process improvement tools (Fishbone and 5 Whys) were used to find solutions for the case and simulation has verified the outcomes. Finally, improvements were suggested to improve the sigma level and reduce process variability.
    Keywords: Six Sigma DMAIC; Ghee production; Process capability; Variability reduction in food manufacturing; Simul8 simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10068817
  • A historical and bibliometric analysis of the current landscape and future prospects of financial inclusion   Order a copy of this article
    by Varun Kesavan, K. Sakthi Srinivasan 
    Abstract: 'Financial inclusion' refers to the provision of such services at a low cost and in a timely manner, especially for low-income and other marginalised individuals who lack even the most fundamental banking services. This study aims to determine how much research has been conducted on the topic of financial inclusion. This study aims to conduct the first systematic review of financial inclusion studies. In this investigation, open access research is also assessed. The selected Scopus articles were published between 2010 and 2022. The initial search yielded 3,382 publications; however, only 1,898 were included in the analysis. For bibliometric analysis, we utilise Biblioshiny R Studio. Throughout the course of history, there has been an upward trend in the rate of publication. The USA, China and India would all benefit substantially from this development. Numerous studies have focused on financial inclusion, banking in India, and other aspects of the Indian economy. This research on carbon emissions, the financial system, finance, financial inclusion, and financial services aims to address knowledge voids, organise key issues, contribute to the existing literature, and lay the foundation for future researchers.
    Keywords: financial inclusion; financial exclusion; bibliometric analysis; Bibliometrix; science mapping; Scopus database.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.10060719
  • Automatic laptop purchase system based on case base reasoning technique   Order a copy of this article
    by Aman Tyagi, Namit Khanduja 
    Abstract: Laptop market is booming once again. Demand of laptops is increasing very fast due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns at many places. Moreover, trend for work from home, online classes and e-business are very common these days. People in many underdeveloped/developing countries are facing the problem in selecting new laptop due to lack of technical knowledge. The problem is more complex because of lot of varieties/brands are available in the market. There is a need of extensive research in this area. In the present work, a case base reasoning (CBR) method is proposed to address the problem of customers to select suitable laptop according to their requirements within their budget. CBR methodology helps in decision making of selection of laptop automatically. Two methods are also developed to update the recent technologies model in the database and also store the feedback from customers about their previous laptops.
    Keywords: case base reasoning; CBR system; decision support system; knowledge base; laptop purchase decision.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.10060661
  • OpenAI: a PESTLE analysis of factors influencing ChatGPT's business growth   Order a copy of this article
    by Priyanka Bhaskar, Neha Seth 
    Abstract: The generative pre-trained transformer is a large language model developed by OpenAI (San Francisco, California). ChatGPT is an advanced AI-powered chatbot that was educated using a massive database of human conversations. OpenAI's founders recognised the potential for AI to benefit society but were aware of the potential risks. ChatGPT offers transformative potential since it combines two state-of-the-art AI and NLP technologies. OpenAI investigates more areas of AI and experiments with more approaches to AI development. PESTLE analysis is a high-level method for considering potential influences on ChatGPT. OpenAI faces risks from various sources due to its global scope, including political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental. OpenAI is a research facility to maximise the positive effects of AI while minimising its negative ones. It has expanded the availability of AI, and pushed the technology's boundaries while emphasising its potential for good in the world.
    Keywords: OpenAI; ChatGPT; PESTLE; organisation; external factors; artificial intelligence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.10061641
  • Investigating after-sales service, customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth nexus: evidence from a branded car dealership   Order a copy of this article
    by Shem Sikombe 
    Abstract: The study investigates after-sales service, customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth relationships using evidence from a branded car dealership. The study used a cross-sectional and structured questionnaire design to collect data from the branded car dealership customers. Seventy-seven questionnaires were successfully retained and analysed from customers in different locations. Hierarchical regression analysis and mediation analysis using the Hayes bootstrapping procedure was used. Results reveal a significant and positive relationship between maintenance facilities and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, a positive and significant relationship exists between warranty and customer satisfaction. However, the quality of spares has no significant relationship with customer satisfaction. The results also show that maintenance facilities are the major contributor to customer satisfaction at the branded car dealership. Additionally, results show that customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between the availability of maintenance facilities, warranties, quality of spares and word-of-mouth. Sales managers can utilise the findings to improve their competitiveness.
    Keywords: after-sales service; customer satisfaction; word-of-mouth; branded car dealership.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.10061668
  • Consumer purchase behaviour in electronic commerce: main barriers   Order a copy of this article
    by Guilherme Braz Pitta, Claudimar Pereira Da Veiga, Wesley Vieira Da Silva, Zhaohui Su 
    Abstract: Several studies have been conducted on consumer purchase behaviour in electronic commerce. Most of these studies have attempted to identify factors influencing purchase behaviour and intentions in electronic commerce. However, with a growing number of consumers making purchases in electronic commerce, many people have not shopped in this online market due to uncertainties and perceived risks associated with online purchase transactions. This article seeks to identify the main barriers preventing consumers from making electronic commerce purchases and why they continue to resist this new technology. The collected data (n = 978) were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM), demonstrating the importance of trust and perceived risk in deciding whether to buy electronic commerce. The results of this study are expected to help retailers' direct strategies to lower the main barriers that can affect the decision-making of potential consumers.
    Keywords: e-commerce; barriers; electronic commerce purchase; non-shoppers; consumer behaviour; marketing intelligence; business retailing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.10061729
  • Case study of global apparel companies: how some are adjusting their supply chain strategies to post-COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith 
    Abstract: This research effort examined two retail companies, American Eagle and Duluth Trading Company, with two unique approaches to their supply chain management models. A consumer survey and analysis associated with the appeal industry in the same area (NS Ohio and Western PA) was completed. While the approaches may be different, similarities are shared between the two companies in relation to their supply chain automatisation. Optimising technology and automating processes while delivering resources and materials to supply final goods to its customers is a top priority. The competitive and demographic threats that these two companies are facing as they continue to find a sustainable model competing with other top-technological performers in the retail industry are real and compelling. The companies have gone through COVID-19 and have had to review processes in place to be able to overcome business closures and shutdowns.
    Keywords: apparel industry; COVID-19; INCOTERMS; next-day delivery; omnichannel; supply chain management; SCM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10063159
  • The study of perceived severity of COVID-19 on online impulsive buying behaviour in Vietnam: the role of internal factors   Order a copy of this article
    by IJBFMI_off_120096 Phung, Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha, Ly My Van, Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung, Nguyen Phuong Anh, Dao Manh Ha 
    Abstract: Internal factors have been shown as important factors that affect online impulsive buying behaviour, especially when COVID-19 shifted shopping habits and caused a change in their minds. This study provides profound insight into the influence of the perceived severity of COVID-19 and enhances the internal factors affecting online impulsive buying behaviour. The perceived severity of COVID-19 during the pandemic caused a rise in monotony and sensation-seeking expressions, making online buying activities after the epidemic more appealing. The result showed that internal factors such as the perceived severity of COVID-19, stress, boredom, materialism, hedonic motivation, and sensation-seeking play a significant role in online impulsive buying behaviour. In contrast, there was no association between stress and browsing, perceived severity of COVID-19, and materialism.
    Keywords: internal factors; impulsive buying; perceived severity; COVID-19; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10062906
  • Predictors and inhibitors of mobile banking adoption in Nigeria   Order a copy of this article
    by Precious Chikezie Ezeh, Ali Isah, Rufai Mohammed Abdulrahman 
    Abstract: The adoption of mobile banking in Nigeria is still very low despite Nigerian Government bent on introducing cashless policy. Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate the predictors and inhibitors of mobile banking adoption in northwest Nigeria. Data for this paper were collected from 400 respondents in northwestern Nigeria. The relationship between constructs was examined using AMOS-structural equation model. The reliability and validity of the instrument were examined using Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability and average variance extracted. The findings revealed that only self-efficacy influence the adoption of mobile banking. This study extends TAM and also introduces gender as a moderator. It was found that self-efficacy and perceived ease of use influence the adoption of mobile banking among male, while all the factors tested have no significant influence among female. The study has exposed the reasons for the low adoption of mobile banking among Nigerians.
    Keywords: mobile banking; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; PEOU; perceived self-efficacy; amount of information; Nigeria; technology acceptance model; TAM; gender.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10068718
  • Unveiling trends and opportunities: a bibliometric analysis of stock market research   Order a copy of this article
    by Norasyikin Abdullah Fahami, Mohd. Faizal Basri 
    Abstract: This study highlights the current trends, main areas, keywords, and opportunities for future research in the field of stock market research. Bibliometric analysis using Harzing's Publish and Perish (PoP) software and VOSviewer was used to analyse a sample of 6,426 studies from the Scopus database between 2018 and 2022. This study identifies prominent authors and articles by evaluating their citations, publications, geographical locations, and importance within the network. The authors also analysed keywords and co-occurrences to identify the top keywords and their associations, current topics, current state of collaboration, and areas for further research. Although research on the stock market is global, cross-national collaboration is lacking, particularly among authors from different regions and nations. Considering academic interest in the stock market, this study concludes by suggesting new keywords and possible research questions that should be explored in future studies.
    Keywords: bibliometric; VOSviewer; Harzing's Publish and Perish; Scopus; trends; opportunities; stock market; keywords; theme; future research.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10064336
  • Interplay of digital trust alliance, entrepreneurial orientation and use of digital payments: digital shift of rural MSMEs to survive COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Harleen Kaur, Priya Devi 
    Abstract: Through the lens of digital trust alliance and entrepreneurial orientation, this paper investigates the usage of digital payments among rural MSMEs during COVID-19 pandemic. Quantitative data were collected through survey from owners and managers of various micro, small and medium-sized enterprises across different industrial sectors. The study contributes to the survival of MSMEs using digital strategy during crisis. Digital trust alliance emerges as a significant element in usage of digital payments. It has been discovered that entrepreneurial orientation amplifies the ability of MSMEs to endure significant disruptions in business environment. The originality of the paper lies in the establishment of the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation between the independent variable (digital trust alliance) and dependent variable (usage of digital payments). Additionally, it is one of a few studies looking into rural MSMEs digital shift to survive COVID-19 in India.
    Keywords: digital payments; digital transformation; COVID-19; MSMEs; entrepreneurial orientation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10063620
  • Barriers to reusage and adoption of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana   Order a copy of this article
    by Sukhvinder Angoori, Sanjeev Kumar 
    Abstract: Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana is a significant government intervention in India for the cooking energy transition. The program was aimed to safeguard woman from different hazards associated with the use of TCF, whether it is related to their health, economies, or social well-being. The scheme provided the LPG connection to poor households with free or minimal costs. However, after receiving the LPG connection, the women continuously use TCF. The paper aims to identify the factors forcing women to use TCF. The paper finds that the easy access, price, and amount of usage of TCF and LPG, cooking practices, and food types of rural households discourage the adoption of LPG as a main fuel in rural India.
    Keywords: adoption; barriers; health; LPG; Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana; PMUY; rural; traditional cooking fuel; TCF; women.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10063757
  • Role of traditional and online advertisement in building brand equity: a study on selected household appliances   Order a copy of this article
    by Tanushree Banerjee 
    Abstract: The role of marketing communications, especially advertisement in brand development is a widely researched area. In today's marketing landscape there is a growing preference for internet and technology based advertising, yet traditional methods retain significance. This study aims to compare the impact of traditional and digital advertisements on brand equity and its dimensions based on Aaker's model. Focussed on consumer durable segment, data from 227 consumers was analysed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Results showed both forms of advertising positively influenced brand equity dimensions with traditional ads notably impacting brand perceived quality. This reaffirms the enduring importance of traditional advertising despite evolving communication trends. Additionally findings support the applicability of Aaker's brand equity model (1992) particularly in consumer durable segment. While all four brand equity constructs were not equally influential, brand association, brand loyalty and perceived quality significantly contribute to brand equity, aiding marketers in understanding their respective roles in brand building.
    Keywords: brand equity; brand awareness; brand loyalty; perceived quality; brand associations; traditional ads; digital ads.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10064718
  • Inventory management and RFID in healthcare: case study and an empirical look at the potential of the online pharmacy industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Alan D. Smith 
    Abstract: RFID technologies in the healthcare industry might be the solution to the changing challenges the industry has had to face recently. Pharmaceutical companies have to deal with international drug requirements and regulations, and a complex network of distribution channels. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) (established 1893) and Allegheny Health Network (AHN) (established 1999) have significantly evolved in their supply chain operations and inventory management. This has left the opportunity for them to start a system, and have it advance over time. It started on paper, and as the Internet was created, there were easier methods for inventory control. With new processes come new obstacles, such as supply chain problems and inventory management issues. Supply chain tactics used by both hospitals and provide ways to alleviate some inventory management issues are highlighted. A comparison of the systems as well as an empirical study should provide much needed insights for improvements.
    Keywords: demand forecasting; enterprise resource planning; ERP; inventory management; healthcare; online pharmacies; RFID; supplier management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2024.10068785