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International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology

International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE)

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International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (One paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • The governance of agricultural transitions: A mapping towards sustainable food systems   Order a copy of this article
    by Amanda Ferreira Guimarães, Marie Dervillé 
    Abstract: Food system sustainability requires shifting from industrial food chains towards greater diversity, inclusiveness, and environmentally friendly practices. Although localized innovations have emerged worldwide, their scope remains limited. How to scale sustainable practices remains unknown. The literature shows that such transitions require more than public policies to trigger effective changes in practices and social relations. We address this gap through interdisciplinary scientometric data analysis from 2007-2023. By combining bibliometric and semantic analyses with an in-depth reading of the literature, we map the scientific field studying the governance of agricultural transitions. We show that it is a recent research field, with accelerated growth from 2017 onwards. We distinguish two periods and find that agricultural transitions require dedicated public policies and an interplay between adaptive technical and organisational collective initiatives. The governance of agricultural transitions requires a systemic, multiscalar, and interdisciplinary approach in which territorialized processes are crucial for articulating coherent alternatives.
    Keywords: governance; agricultural transitions; sustainability; agriculture; food systems; sustainable food systems; scientometrics; bibliometrics; public policy; adaptive governance.