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International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation

International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation (IJAITG)

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International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Enhancing agricultural information dissemination: an empirical analysis of the influence of information and communication technology on agricultural producers in Ekiti State   Order a copy of this article
    by Temitayo Elijah Balogun, Ayomide Victor Osasona, Victor Jesulayomi Bamisaye 
    Abstract: Nigerian rural farmers have come to rely on indigenous or local knowledge for better agricultural methods throughout the years which include things like using treated seeds, preventing animal and plant diseases, applying fertiliser, using farm equipment, properly storing farm products, using marketing tactics, and engaging in cooperative and agricultural activities. This study aims to identify and assess the types of information and sources that are available to farmers in rural areas, as well as the challenges they face in gaining access to agricultural information. A self-made questionnaire was utilised to collect the data, and the information was then analysed. The results of the study are utilised to create and develop a better ICT solution or platform that would give farmers access to modern agricultural machinery, enhance crop quality and productivity, help them make market judgements, and reduce the presence of middlemen in agricultural trade practices.
    Keywords: Chi-square; information and communications technology; agriculture; ICT in agriculture; data analysis; statistics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAITG.2024.10064687