Calls for papers


International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling


Special issue on: "Modelling and Simulation Education"

Guest Editors:
John A. Sokolowski, VMASC, Old Dominion University
Catherine M. Banks, VMASC, Old Dominion University

Many educational institutions have begun to offer courses, certificates or entire degree programs in modelling and simulation (M&S). This special issue solicits papers that explore the emerging field of M&S education and the issues surrounding its development and use.

M&S is fast becoming a familiar term and tool among students in the sciences, social sciences, and engineering. But it is more than that. M&S is a discipline with its own body of knowledge, theory, and research methodology. At the core of the discipline is the fundamental notion that models are approximations for the real-world. Models are created approximating an event. The model is then followed by simulation, which allows for the repeated observation of the model. Analysis, the ability to draw conclusions, verify and validate (V&V), and make recommendations based on various iterations/simulations of the model, is the third component to modelling. These basic precepts coupled with visualization, the ability to represent data as a way to interface with the model, make M&S a problem-based discipline that allows for repeated testing of a hypothesis. Teaching these precepts and providing research and development opportunities are core to M&S education and research.

This special issue looks to provide the theories, tools, methodology, and case studies that engage the application of M&S in traditional uses such as serving as the primary training mechanism for the military as well as the expanding variety of domains that use M&S as a teaching tool to include health care professionals, emergency managers, and educators at all levels from grade school through graduate school. The research may come from any discipline or application area of modelling and simulation.

Subject Coverage
Papers may include either theoretical or empirical research. Suitable themes in this issue include but are not limited to the following:
  • Modelling and simulation as its own discipline
  • Modelling and simulation body of knowledge: what should be included?
  • Modelling and simulation curriculum: engineering, science, or multidisciplinary?
  • Modelling and simulation research and its role in education
  • Modelling, simulation, and gaming as a teaching tool
  • Modelling and simulation and workforce development: what are the challenges?

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Papers Submission section under Author Guidelines

Important Dates

Full Paper submission deadline: 1 June 2008

Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors: 1 August 2008

Final (camera-ready) papers submission: 1 November 2008