Calls for papers
International Journal of Environment and Pollution
Special Issue on: "Modelling Approaches for the Management of Environmental Pollution"
Guest Editors:
Dr. Jianbing Li, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Shuiyuan Cheng, Beijing University of Technology, China
The effective management of environmental pollution has become one of the most important goals pursued by governments, industries, communities, and researchers around the world. Environmental modelling has long been recognised as an effective measure for facilitating such an objective, and has thus received increasing research interest. The modelling provides a valuable framework for describing complex environmental processes and interactions, evaluating various pollution problems existing in the media of water, air and soil, investigating effective pollution mitigation approaches, and examining the impacts of different environmental management strategies. In recent years, numerous advances and research achievements have been made in the field of environmental modelling. The purpose of this special issue is to publish latest results of the research and development of modelling for the management of environmental pollution.
Subject CoverageIn the content of this special issue, original research papers or reviews are solicited in all relevant aspects of environmental modelling development and application, including but not limited to:
- Physically-based modelling
- Mathematical modelling of environmental processes
- Environmental system optimisation
- Water quality monitoring, assessment, and management
- Wastewater reuse and recycling
- Air quality assessment and management
- Soil and groundwater quality management
- Soil erosion and sediment transport
- Solid waste management
- Contaminated site management
- Environmental pollution control process and technology
- Environmental risk assessment
- Environmental decision support system
- Scaling and uncertainty issues in environmental modelling
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Deadline for manuscript submission: 29 February, 2008