Calls for papers

International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise
Special Issue on: "Technological Innovation"
Editor: Professor Ali K. Kamrani, University of Houston, USA
The American Heritage Dictionary defines innovation as “the act of introducing something new.” Penicillin was discovered by the Sir Alexander Fleming in the 1928, although it was 15 years after the original discovery that Howard Walter Florey discovered the use of it as a medicine. Innovation matters. It is a key characteristic associated with the success of any society. Innovation is exploring new ideas based on existing technologies. The continuous improvement and advancement of the previously known technologies can result in developing new products, processes and systems which improves the quality of life for the society as the whole. Managing innovation consists of:
- Identifying the opportunity for innovation
- Setting the objectives and benefits
- Background research and generating creative idea(s)
- Feasibility and risk factors analysis
- Design, development, prototypes and testing
- Policies and strategies of new procedures and managements
- Market research and analysis
- Implementation
For organisations that are competing globally, innovation is the key for survival. Technological innovation requires a change in processes and how companies do business. As an example, manufacturing industry has been changing radically in order to reduce costs and waste, increase variety and improve productivity. Technological innovation is a must to maintain global competitiveness.
The goal of this special issue is to address this critical subject and its impact on the global market competition of the 21st century.
Subject CoverageThe objective of the special issue is to publish the latest articles on a variety of topics related to the technological innovations such as:
- Product innovation
- Process innovation
- Management processes
- Operational processes
- Supporting processes
- Organisational innovation
- Financial and marketing innovation
- Incremental innovation
- Breakthrough innovation
- Systemic innovations
- New techno-economic paradigms
- Supply chain innovation
- Distribution network configuration and strategies
- Integrated supply chain
- Inventory management
- Enterprise Reengineering
- Systems engineering paradigms
- Business model innovation
- Service innovation
- Learning organisation
- Case studies and other related topics
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Abstract of proposed articles: March 31, 2008
Full paper submission for the invited articles: April 15, 2008
Notification of reviews: May 30, 2008
Revised manuscript submission: June 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance: July 16, 2008
Final Paper: July 31, 2008