Calls for papers

International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
Special Issue on: "Advances in Mining, Modelling, and Managing Complex Data"
Guest Editor: Dr. Alfredo Cuzzocrea, ICAR-CNR and University of Calabria, Italy
The problem of mining, modelling and managing complex data arising in data- and knowledge-intensive next-generation information systems plays a critical role in actual database and information systems research. Complex data are characterised by several and heterogeneous formats: transactional data, multidimensional data, hierarchical data, semi-structured data, biological data, ontological data, streaming data, trajectory data, moving object data, and so forth.
Traditional models, techniques and algorithms for representing, querying and mining conventional data sets (e.g., relational ones) are widely recognised as inadequate to cope with challenges posed by processing complex data. Therefore, designing and developing suitable models, techniques and algorithms for processing complex data has become an emerging challenge in actual database and information systems research.
This trend has also been dictated and stirred-up by the recent explosion of complex intelligent information systems, which are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of application scenarios ranging from complex database/data-mining systems to data-warehouse/business-intelligence systems, from grid computing to peer-to-peer computing, from biological data management tools to ontology-based complex tools, etc.
Inspired by this breaking evidence, this special issue welcomes papers focused on all topics ranging in the wide spectrum of mining, modelling and managing complex data, with emphasis on both theoretical aspects as well as practical frameworks and implementations. Apart from regular papers, this issue will also contain papers selected from leading conferences related to the scientific field of database and information systems research.
Subject CoverageRecommended topic areas include, but are not limited to, research and practical issues on mining, modelling, and managing complex data, in the following contests:
- Complex information systems
- Intelligent information systems
- Advanced database systems
- Advanced data warehouse systems
- Advanced data mining systems
- Information processing systems
- Information retrieval systems
- Knowledge discovery tools
- Clustering tools
- Classification tools
- Association rule mining tools
- Frequent item set mining tools
- XML data management tools
- RDF data management tools
- Data stream management tools
- RFID data management tools
- Sensor network data management tools
- Ontological data management tools
- Biological data management tools
- Trajectory data management tools
- Grid architectures
- Peer-to-peer systems
- Cloud computing systems
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Submission of full paper: 10 June, 2009
Feedback from referees: 30 July, 2009
Submission due date of revised paper: 15 August, 2009
Notification of acceptance: 30 August, 2009
Submission of final revised paper: 15 September, 2009