Title: Reasons and attributes for the use of mobile learning in a Brazilian financial institution
Authors: George Leal Schafflor Mello; Gardênia Da Silva Abbad; Lana Montezano
Addresses: SHCGN 706 Bl G, Apt. 101 - Asa Norte, Brasília DF. CEP 70740 707, Brazil ' SQSW 104, Bl C, Apt. 303 - Setor Sudoeste, Brasília DF. CEP: 70670 403, Brazil ' SQS 304 Bl C, Apt. 106 - Asa Sul, Brasília DF, CEP: 70337 030, Brazil
Abstract: This article aims to identify the main reasons and attributes perceived by actors involved in the adoption of a mobile learning model and its influences in the construction of the foundations for a possible training transfer evaluation model in business team training, adopted by financial organisation present in 23 countries, with assets of US$315 billion. The study was a descriptive-exploratory, cross-sectional, qualitative case study, using data collection techniques of documentary research, focus groups, interviews and questionnaires. Documentary and content analysis by judges were used. The main reasons identified were applicability in the work and support for the presential instruction, and the key attributes were mobility, ubiquity, ease, interactivity and convenience. Further studies are recommended for a better understanding of the learning process in the new mobile reality, as well as for the improvement of the specific instructional design and evaluation of the results produced.
Keywords: training; development and education; e-learning; mobile learning; m-learning; ubiquitous learning; situated learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMLO.2018.095148
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 2018 Vol.12 No.4, pp.353 - 372
Received: 23 Aug 2017
Accepted: 17 Jan 2018
Published online: 01 Oct 2018 *