Title: Factors affecting students' behavioural intention in museum-based context-aware ubiquitous learning activities
Authors: Yun-Fang Tu
Addresses: Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
Abstract: This study proposes a museum-based context-aware ubiquitous language learning (ULL) system for engaging students which integrates socio-cultural contexts while learning English. The factors affecting the students' behavioural intention were investigated. The results demonstrate that the university students' complex problem-solving tendency had a significant positive influence on their effort expectancy and hedonic motivation. When the learners' awareness of the complex problem-solving tendency increased, their preference for learning with the system increased as well; when the students' autonomy and self-learning in relation to accomplishing the learning tasks rose, their usage intention also increased. In addition, performance expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, and self-management of learning had positive effects on the students' behavioural intention to use the museum-based context-aware language learning system. It was also found that the high-performance students spent more time working on the tasks, while the low-performance students spent more time reading the learning materials.
Keywords: mobile learning; ubiquitous learning; context awareness; museum-based learning; ubiquitous language learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMLO.2018.095115
International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 2018 Vol.12 No.4, pp.311 - 335
Received: 20 Oct 2017
Accepted: 23 Nov 2017
Published online: 01 Oct 2018 *