Title: Investigating the gender influence on technology adoption model towards smart phones - evidences from emerging economies
Authors: A.M. Sakkthivel; N. Ramu
Addresses: Skyline University College, University City of Sharjah, P.O. Box 1797, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ' IFIM College, #8P and 9P KIADB Indl Estate, Electronics City, Bangalore 560100, India
Abstract: The paper investigates the influence of gender (male and female) over technology acceptance model (TAM) towards using smart phones. The study conducted in the Sultanate of Oman among 296 smart phones users (male and female). The study used SEM approach to identify the influence. The results are: 1) gender (male and female) elicit a negative influence over perceived usefulness towards using smart phones; 2) male respondents elicit a positive influence over perceived ease of use; 3) female respondents elicit a negative influence over perceived ease of use. The model revealed the male influence over perceived ease of use towards using smart phones.
Keywords: technology acceptance model; TAM; perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use; gender influence; structural equation modelling; Sultanate of Oman.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2018.094570
International Journal of Business Excellence, 2018 Vol.16 No.1, pp.35 - 46
Received: 07 Feb 2017
Accepted: 24 Jun 2017
Published online: 07 Sep 2018 *