Title: Attract, captivate, and make them return: processing fluency effect on estimated shopping time and loyalty intention
Authors: Hyunjoo Im; Young Ha
Addresses: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 240 McNeal Hall, 1985 Buford Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, USA ' California State University, Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840, USA
Abstract: In an online environment where consumers multi-task, engaging casual shoppers remains to be a challenge. The current study identified online shoppers' time perception as an important element in engagement, and tested effects of processing fluency in the context. Based on the processing fluency and time perception literature, a conceptual model describing how casual online shoppers subjective experience of processing ease leads to an engaging shopping experience was developed and empirically tested (N = 1,207). The results from an online experiment provided support for the hypotheses. The study filled the gap in the literature by investigating online shoppers' time perception in the context of browsing without a shopping goal. Importantly, the study used both self-rated perception data and objective data to provide strong evidence for inaccurate time perception in online engagement. Theoretical and practical implications as well as future study suggestions are discussed.
Keywords: processing fluency; online engagement; shopping time perception; low-involvement shopping; attention focus; shopping time estimation; loyalty intention.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2018.090889
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 2018 Vol.9 No.2, pp.126 - 144
Received: 27 Jul 2016
Accepted: 14 Dec 2016
Published online: 03 Apr 2018 *