Title: When intelligence meets data: game story generation by compositional creativity
Authors: Lin Liu
Addresses: School of Software, Tsinghua University, 11-407 East Main Building Annex, Beijing, 100084, China
Abstract: Creative computing concerns itself with theoretical and practical issues in the interdisciplinary study of creativity and computing. This paper covers a variety of preliminary compositional considerations relevant to stories generation, including conceptualising a theme, generating a storyline, and developing story narratives. An interactive game story generation system with compositional creativity as the main technique is proposed in this study. Generally speaking, a story composition process includes two major tasks: story plotting and narrative generation. This paper proposes using compositional creativity to produce credible story characters and consistent stories while addressing the needs and preferences of game players. Stories are generated according to the blind selection of story characters, events and organisations use the story theme as a selective-retention criteria taking into account the temporal, spatial and logical relationships and constraints.
Keywords: story generation; plot graph; story narratives; interactive games; compositional creativity; game stories; creative computing; theme conceptualisation; storyline generation; story plotting; narrative generation; player needs; player preferences; game players.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCRC.2016.076071
International Journal of Creative Computing, 2016 Vol.1 No.2/3/4, pp.274 - 307
Received: 24 Sep 2015
Accepted: 19 Jan 2016
Published online: 22 Apr 2016 *