Title: Simulation modelling of call flow process delays in a cellular network
Authors: N.S. Narahari; K.N. Subramanya; Ramaa Anantha Murthy
Addresses: Department of IEM, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore – 560 059, India ' Department of IEM, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore – 560 059, India ' Department of IEM, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore – 560 059, India
Abstract: This paper discusses on the use of discrete simulation model to design and analyse the cellular network. The conceptual network model was developed to understand the call flow processes using simulation software ARENA 9.0. The model was analysed for major bottleneck processes under various scenarios including normal traffic intensity, worst day traffic intensity and ideal day traffic intensity. The various performance parameters of cellular services which are measured includes: value added time (VAT) in the system, non-value added time (NVAT) in the system, number of calls request denied, number of calls dropped and call duration. The work includes the adaptation of the simulation model using ARENA to analyse cellular networks. The performance analysis reveals a large percentage of the time in the call set up processes is spent on non-value added activities. Recommendations for improvements in the call set up processes have been proposed for future consideration along with action points for improving operational efficiency.
Keywords: discrete simulation; cellular networks; modelling; real time service; RTS; call drop rate; CDR; call set-up success rate; service access delay; call flow processes; bottleneck processes; value added time; call requests denied; call duration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISE.2015.068196
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2015 Vol.19 No.3, pp.294 - 310
Received: 01 Mar 2013
Accepted: 16 Sep 2013
Published online: 24 Mar 2015 *