Title: Modular product design for dynamic capabilities of manufacturing organisations: a case study
Authors: Jari Koskinen
Addresses: Department of Production/Industrial Management, University of Vaasa, P.O. Box 700, FI-65101, Vaasa, Finland
Abstract: Importance of flexibility and responsiveness in the 21st century of global business is growing. Different strategies, techniques and tools have been used for achieving agility in an organisation. One of such strategies is the modular product design. Modular product design has not been studied widely, despite the importance of this subject. Considering this, an attempt has been made to improve organisation performance by using other concepts like generic product development process. The purpose of the case study is to deepen understanding of the requirements for and implementation of modular product design and its benefits to customer relations. This paper supports the view that modular product design can be used successfully for improving company efficiency in power electronics industry.
Keywords: modular product structures; dynamic capabilities; mass customisation; mini factories; modular product design; innovation; manufacturing industry; global businesses; PLM; product lifecycle management; organisation performance; firm performance; product development processes; customer relations; power electronics industry; company efficiency; case studies; product modularisation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2014.065491
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2014 Vol.8 No.6, pp.671 - 683
Published online: 31 Oct 2014 *
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