Title: Developing a graduate level learning programme by partnering with industry
Authors: Thomas R. Gulledge, Rainer A. Sommer
Addresses: Enterprise Engineering and Policy Laboratory, Mail Stop 2E4, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, USA. ' Enterprise Engineering and Policy Laboratory, Mail Stop 2E4, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030-4444, USA
Abstract: This paper describes the development of a unique industry-sponsored graduate degree programme that focuses upon student learning and research on a relevant applied curriculum. The George Mason University Enterprise Engineering & Policy programme was designed to foster student learning through an implementation consulting perspective that provides specific skills to support the implementation of extended enterprise solutions. The programme is unique in that it was conceived through an industry sponsored research programme, and was implemented with industry sponsorship. The programme provides a new and innovative approach to graduate education through the leveraging of public-private partnering.
Keywords: enterprise resource planning; ERP; cross-functional processes; enterprise engineering; graduate level learning programme; student learning; university-industry partnering; extended enterprise; public-private partnering.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2005 Vol.2 No.1, pp.1 - 10
Published online: 02 Feb 2005 *
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