Title: Socio-environmental nuclear conflicts: the case of El Cabril
Authors: M.V. Gil-Cerezo; A.J. González-Barrios; E. Domínguez-Vilches
Addresses: Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology, Chair of Environment UCO-ENRESA, Edificio Aulario, Campus de Rabanales, University of Cordoba, 14071-Córdoba, Spain ' Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology, Chair of Environment UCO-ENRESA, Edificio Aulario, Campus de Rabanales, University of Cordoba, 14071-Córdoba, Spain ' Department of Botany, Ecology and Plant Physiology, Chair of Environment UCO-ENRESA, Edificio Aulario, Campus de Rabanales, University of Cordoba, 14071-Córdoba, Spain
Abstract: Since the commissioning of the 'El Cabril' Central Storage Facility for Low- and Intermediate-level Radioactive Waste (hereafter 'El Cabril'), most people living in nearby towns and villages have regarded this nuclear facility with a marked degree of rejection and distrust. This study examines the process of analysis, management and intervention specifically designed and implemented with a view to mediating in the socio-environmental conflict in the host village and neighbouring communities. It vindicates the use of participatory action research (PAR) as the most appropriate methodology for this self-compositional process of conflict resolution, in which this university research team acted as an impartial extrajudicial mediator in a context marked by opposing interests.
Keywords: mediators; mediation; radioactive waste; participatory action research; socio-environmental conflict; nuclear energy; nuclear power; Spain; nuclear waste; conflict resolution; environmental pollution; distrust.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNKM.2013.051796
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management, 2013 Vol.6 No.1, pp.35 - 47
Received: 31 May 2012
Accepted: 31 May 2012
Published online: 20 Sep 2014 *