Title: Tacit world – how to manage global virtual teams in high-tech organisations? Management by molecular self-assembly
Authors: Miri Yemini
Addresses: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center, Shamoon College of Engineering, Bialik/Basel Street, Beer-Sheva 84100, Israel
Abstract: Globalisation is a major market trend today, one characterised by increased international competition as well as extensive opportunities for firms to expand their operations beyond their current boundaries. However, effectively dealing with this important change turns the management of global and virtual teams (VTs) into a major concern. This paper presents a novel approach to the establishment and management of VTs in high-tech companies by employing concepts from the world of molecular self-assembly to the real workplace environment. By defining and analysing the critical success factors, a new conceptual model ready for application in diverse environments is defined.
Keywords: molecular self-assembly; virtual teams; global companies; high-tech organisations; globalisation; market trends; international competition; business expansion; global teams; web based teams; online teams; internet; world wide web; workplace environments; real workplaces; critical factors; success factors; conceptual models; diverse environments; human resource management; HRM; tacit worlds; business innovation; business research.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2012.045635
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2012 Vol.6 No.2, pp.177 - 187
Published online: 12 Dec 2014 *
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