Title: Regional hub port development – the case of Montevideo, Uruguay
Authors: Gordon Wilmsmeier, Inmaculada Martinez-Zarzoso, Norbert Fiess
Addresses: Transport Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University, Merchiston Campus, Edinburgh EH5 10DT, UK. ' Platz der Gottinger Sieben 3, 37073 Gottingen, Germany; Facultat de Ciencies Juridiques i Economiques, Campus del Riu Sec, Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castello de la Plana, Spain. ' The World Bank, Office of the Chief Economist of the Latin America and Caribbean Region, Bouchard 547 29th, Buenos Aires – C1106ABG, Argentina
Abstract: This paper analyses port development in the context of emerging economies and specifically addresses port development in Uruguay in an environment of trilateral interport competition. The case of Montevideo is discussed with particular attention to institutional and organisational reform and the evolution and impact of the liner shipping service network in defining the role of a port within a regional port system. The proactive Uruguayan port sector has made important contributions to drive Montevideo|s transhipment traffic. The discussion reveals that the current attractiveness of Montevideo as a transhipment port is partly driven by existing cabotage regulations and strategies of shipping companies. The current competitive advantage will last as long as shipping lines| strategies continue in their current form. Future development will significantly depend on the ability to further develop value added and logistics services. Thus, the findings are relevant in relation to the discussion of Montevideo|s development potentials as a hub on South America|s East Coast in particular and the effects of external influences on port development in general.
Keywords: regional port development; transhipment ports; connectivity; distance; Latin America; Uruguay; regional hubs; regional ports; emerging economies; interport competition; institutional reform; organisational reform; liner shipping; service networks; value added aservices; logistics services.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2011.041138
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2011 Vol.3 No.4, pp.475 - 493
Published online: 21 Feb 2015 *
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