Title: Bicultural individuals and intercultural effectiveness
Authors: David C. Thomas, Mary Yoko Brannen, Dominie Garcia
Addresses: Segal Graduate School of Business, Simon Fraser University, 500 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6C 1W6, Canada. ' INSEAD, Blvd. de Constance, 71305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France. ' Department of Organization and Management, San Jose State University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA, 95192-0070, USA
Abstract: Biculturals – people who have internalised more than one cultural profile – are an under explored result of globalisation. This new and growing demographic presents some important challenges and opportunities for international management. Our study explores the idea that biculturalism fosters cultural general skills that can be useful in today|s multinational organisations. Results indicate that biculturals have more pronounced skills related to intercultural effectiveness than monoculturals, including a higher level cognitive skill called cultural metacognition that directly influences intercultural effectiveness. We also explore the idea that those bicultural individuals who experience conflict in their cultural identity development have higher levels of these skills. We discuss implications of these findings for international management.
Keywords: biculturalism; multiculturalism; intercultural effectiveness; international management; cultural metacognition; cross-cultural skills; cultural identity; bicultural identity integration; BII; cros-cultural competence.
DOI: 10.1504/EJCCM.2010.037640
European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 2010 Vol.1 No.4, pp.315 - 333
Published online: 20 Dec 2010 *
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