Title: Do boys and girls go out to play? Women's football and social marketing at Euro 2005
Authors: Barbara Bell, Paul Blakey
Addresses: Department of Exercise and Sport Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, Hassall Road, Alsager, Cheshire, ST7 2HL, UK. ' Division of Sport Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumbria, NE1 8ST, UK
Abstract: This study reviews the concepts of social marketing in the context of women|s football and analyses the application of the social marketing approach to the European Women|s football championships, held in England in 2005. The paper examines the methods and approaches by the legacy programme associated with this event, in order to develop the concept of |social sport marketing|. The paper analyses the usefulness of this approach, particularly where multiple stakeholders and levels of change are being addressed, and in relation to the wider impact on women|s sport. The case study incorporates various methods, including observations, interviews with key stakeholders in the programmes involved and secondary data analysis. Some evidence of the application of social marketing approaches is outlined and limitations of the use of events in this context are identified. This case study highlights the value of social sport marketing for the promotion of women|s sport.
Keywords: social marketing; sport marketing; women|s sport; women|s football; women|s soccer; event legacy; social sport marketing; Euro 2005; women; female football.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2010.032548
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2010 Vol.7 No.3/4, pp.156 - 172
Published online: 07 Apr 2010 *
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