Title: Capture of lifecycle information in office applications
Authors: Lasse Lehmann, Arno Mittelbach, Christoph Rensing, Ralf Steinmetz
Addresses: KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Merckstrasse 25, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany. ' KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Merckstrasse 25, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany. ' KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Merckstrasse 25, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany. ' KOM – Multimedia Communications Lab, Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Merckstrasse 25, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract: Due to the continuously growing number of Learning Resources the automatic generation of metadata has become an important research issue. Lifecycle information like relations resulting from reuse of Learning Resources can be utilised to support users, for example, in retrieving relevant documents. However, this kind of information is neglected by most systems. We show that lifecycle information can be obtained automatically without user interaction. We describe the challenges that have to be faced when capturing lifecycle information in office applications and present how we met them in the implementation of add-ins for our LIS.KOM framework. The results of first evaluations are promising.
Keywords: lifecycle information; metadata; relation information; document lifecycle; office documents; learning resources; document retrieval.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2010.031259
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2010 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.41 - 57
Published online: 27 Jan 2010 *
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