Title: A storytelling model for educational games: Hero's interactive journey
Authors: R. Champagnat, G. Delmas, M. Augeraud
Addresses: L3i, Univerite de La Rochelle, Pole Sciences et Technologie, 17042 La Rochelle cedex 1, France. ' L3i, Univerite de La Rochelle, Pole Sciences et Technologie, 17042 La Rochelle cedex 1, France. ' L3i, Univerite de La Rochelle, Pole Sciences et Technologie, 17042 La Rochelle cedex 1, France
Abstract: This paper deals with interactive storytelling for games. The principle used in narration is based on Campbell|s heroes journey. The paper begins by introducing Campbell analysis and then presents how this model has been transformed in a pattern for interactive storytelling. Then, it shows how this model can be used for educational games. Finally an experimentation is presented showing an implementation of this interactive storytelling in the field of a game using a robot.
Keywords: interactive storytelling; educational games; game execution control; robots; learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2010.031257
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2010 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.4 - 20
Published online: 27 Jan 2010 *
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