Title: Technological catch-up and strategic technology partnering in developing countries
Authors: Rajneesh Narula, Bert M. Sadowski
Addresses: TIK Centre, University of Oslo and Copenhagen Business School, PB 1108 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway. Nijmegen School of Management, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Abstract: This paper examines the trends in strategic technology partnering (STP) involving firms from developing countries over the period 1980-94. The evidence shows that a small group of countries dominate STP activity. In examining differences in organisational modes and their evolution over time, this paper suggests an increasing similarity between the NICs and Triad firms. Although it has been argued that these trends demonstrate the technological and economic ||falling behind|| of most developing countries, we suggest that it may also represent fundamental differences in the economic structure of these countries and the ||normal|| process of structural upgrading with economic development.
Keywords: strategic alliances; technology partnering; economic development; catching up; innovation; developing countries; R&D; leap-frogging; Asian NICs; Eastern Europe; Triad.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2002 Vol.23 No.6, pp.599-617
Published online: 10 Jul 2003 *
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