Title: The idea and project database of WELLA AG
Authors: Horst Geschka, Thorsten Lenk, Jens Vietor
Addresses: Geschka & Partner Unternehmensberatung, Eulerweg 11, D-V64291, Darmstadt, Germany. Geschka & Partner Unternehmensberatung, Eulerweg 11, D-V64291, Darmstadt, Germany. R&D Department, WELLA AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract: Based on the experiences that the fuzzy front end of innovation processes at Wella was badly arranged and time consuming, management decided to structure this phase. Next step was to support the new process system with EDP. Thus, an idea and project date base system was developed. The design of this system is described and first experiences reported.
Keywords: idea management; R&D management; EDP support to R&D management; idea workflow; database for ideas and innovation projects; idea database; EDP supported innovation process.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2002 Vol.23 No.5, pp.410-416
Published online: 09 Jul 2003 *
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