Title: Editorial Practitioner's Corner: EJCCM and SIETAR
Authors: Ildiko Polyak, Jonathan Levy
Addresses: Management Skills Department, International Business School, Tarogato ut 2-4, 1021 Budapest, Hungary. ' 25 rue du Louvre, 75001, Paris, France
Abstract: This article presents SIETAR Europa and the authors| ideas concerning the future of the Practitioner|s Corner. SIETAR Europa was originally founded in 1991 as the European chapter of the International SIETAR, the world|s largest interdisciplinary network for professionals working in the intercultural field. The network was originally established in 1974 and now includes over 3,000 interculturalists and at least 15 national and regional groups worldwide. Various SIETAR groups hold NGO status at the United Nations or are recognised by the Council of Europe.
Keywords: intercultural education; intercultural training; intercultural research; culture; cross-culture management; cross-culture competence; SIETAR Europa.
DOI: 10.1504/EJCCM.2009.026738
European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 2009 Vol.1 No.1, pp.116 - 118
Published online: 24 Jun 2009 *
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