Title: Organisational culture and innovativeness of firms - an integrative view
Authors: Markus Hauser
Addresses: Institute for Research in Business Administration, University of Zurich, Plattenstr. 14, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract: This conceptual paper analyses the role of the contents of an organisational culture (i.e. values, norms and knowledge), its strength, and structure (i.e. dealing with the culture-subculture problem) as well as their interdependencies within the different stages of technological innovation processes. Issues such as hierarchical thinking, communication, conflicts, team diversity, strength of cultural values a.s.o. as well as their positive and negative effects on the various stages of innovation will be analysed. Finally, the paper will illustrate and integrate the presented concept by the example of the case of a Swiss hospital, which is introducing a new information system.
Keywords: organisational culture; innovation process; technological innovation; subcultures; case study.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1998 Vol.16 No.1/2/3, pp.239-255
Published online: 04 Jul 2003 *
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