Title: Analytical analysis of tyre forces as a function of normal pressure distributions
Authors: Mohamed Kamel Salaani
Addresses: Transportation Research Centre Inc., USA
Abstract: This paper presents a validated physical tyre model that incorporates variations of contact pressure distributions within footprints. The model uses a Hermite cubic function with parameters from Hooke|s law to formulate element stiffness as a function of normal pressure profiles. Solutions of tyre forces and moments are derived based upon the use of three normalised functions that define gearing and sliding phenomena. These functions are expressed with adhesion potential; a variable that represents the ratio of elastic distortion to maximum friction limit. Comparison of experimental results with those from the physical model reveals that the proposed theoretical concepts led to valid predictions of tyre forces and moments.
Keywords: tyre mechanics; tyre forces; tyre modelling; tyre moments; measurements; vehicle dynamics; stiffness; gearing; sliding; adhesion potential; elastic distortion; maximum friction.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHVS.2009.023859
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 2009 Vol.16 No.1/2, pp.154 - 188
Published online: 17 Mar 2009 *
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