Title: RETRACTED ARTICLE Innovation and corporate growth: a study of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria
Authors: Donald I. Hamilton
Addresses: Department of Management, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, P.O. Box 18, UST, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Abstract: It is the usual policy of Inderscience to retract from publication any paper if, subsequent to publication, it becomes a matter of dispute about intellectual property, publishing ethics or legal issues. Each case is judged on individual circumstances. In this case, Professor Bryan Gere asked that this paper be removed from the journal because it has substantial similarities to his thesis which was submitted to Rivers State University of Science and Techology Port Harcourt on 26 February 2008 using the title "The Effect of Corporate Innovation on Corporate Growth and Success: A Study of SMES." This paper has therefore been retracted.
International Journal of Management Practice, 2009 Vol.3 No.3, pp.291 - 303
Published online: 12 Jan 2009