Title: Strategic cooperation for technology products through knowledge-based management learning: a case study on Randon Implements S/A, Caxias do Sul (Brazil)
Authors: Eric Dorion, Eloide T. Pavoni, Fernanda Lazzari
Addresses: University of Caxias do Sul (RS) Brazil. ' University of Caxias do Sul (RS) Brazil. ' University of Caxias do Sul (RS) Brazil
Abstract: The theme of innovation now constitutes a central issue for businesses that desire to become more competitive and to develop new knowledge-based management strategies for cooperation/alliance for technology products. The main objectives of this paper are to review and discuss issues in knowledge-based management strategies and to oversee the convergent aspects within the various research perspectives. We present a case study of a major enterprise in Brazil, Randon Implements S/A, with the goal of understanding both the importance of, and the contexts where, management strategy processes contribute to the creation of knowledge-based value within the organisation. Primarily, we investigated the importance given to the creation of knowledge, through their corporate options for stimulating the employees for learning, training and education. Secondly, we analysed the impact of such options through a review of the company programmes. The data collection and analysis allowed us to observe the role of education and the importance of the learning process within Randon Implements S/A|s corporate environment and its degree of relevance for corporate management strategy results. Through this, it became possible to understand the effects of the learning process in various situations of success or failure, more precisely the difficulties in encountering valuable learning indicators.
Keywords: knowledge management; market development; strategy; technology products; technology marketing; Brazil; strategic cooperation; learning; innovation; value creation; training; education; strategic management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTMKT.2008.021852
International Journal of Technology Marketing, 2008 Vol.3 No.4, pp.342 - 357
Published online: 05 Dec 2008 *
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