Title: The interplay between moral and creativity: examples from R&D institutions
Authors: Stéphane Gangloff; Klaus-Peter Schulz; Kamel Mnisri
Addresses: ICN Business School, 86 Rue du Sergent Blandan, 54003 Nancy, France ' ICN Business School, 86 Rue du Sergent Blandan, 54003 Nancy, France ' ICN Business School, 86 Rue du Sergent Blandan, 54003 Nancy, France
Abstract: In this study, we explore the relationship between collective creativity and moral engagement within a sample of research and development teams. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate that social skills represent an essential point of commonality between the concepts of creative behaviour and moral engagement. Based on 13 semi-structured interviews at four European public and private institutions, involved in both applied and fundamental research domains, our research identified that prosocial motivation, which can be seen as the desire to share and help others, has a positive effect on creativity and moral behaviour. In addition, this research confirms the theoretical posture on the construct of prosocial motivation and contributes to the literature by isolating the concepts of 'perspective-taking' and 'other-focused' as two concise leverages for moral and creative engagement in teams of researchers.
Keywords: team/collective creativity; creative process; moral behaviour; moral imagination; research and development processes.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2024 Vol.95 No.3/4, pp.388 - 410
Received: 31 May 2022
Accepted: 16 Jan 2023
Published online: 31 May 2024 *