Title: Control of NOx emissions from diesel engines by the optimisation of fuel injection strategies
Authors: Cem Sorusbay, Abdurrahman Imren, Metin Ergeneman, Dogan San, Ergun Gurarslan
Addresses: Division of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Gumussuyu, Istanbul 34437, Turkey. ' Division of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Gumussuyu, Istanbul 34437, Turkey. ' Division of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Gumussuyu, Istanbul 34437, Turkey. ' Ford Otomotiv A.S., Department of Research and Development, Izmit Golcuk Yolu, Ihsaniye 41670, Golcuk, Kocaeli, Turkey. ' Ford Otomotiv A.S., Department of Research and Development, Izmit Golcuk Yolu, Ihsaniye 41670, Golcuk, Kocaeli, Turkey
Abstract: A multidimensional modelling approach using the KIVA3v algorithm has been applied to investigate the effects of fuel injection strategies on engine performance, NOx and soot emissions. Results were compared with experimental data obtained for a Ford Ecotorq NHDD diesel engine with a common-rail fuel system. After the verification of the developed model for different operating conditions of various load and engine speed, different split injection schemes with multiple pulses per cycle were considered. Results show that timing and duration of injection pulses and mass ratio of fuel injected have the major influence. NOx emissions can be reduced with a two-stage combustion resulting from early preinjection and late main injection with almost equal amounts of fuel mass fraction. Fuel mass fraction values of less than 20% in preinjection do not result in noticeable improvement.
Keywords: split injection; vehicle design; fuel injection; NOx emissions; soot emissions; diesel combustion; engine performance.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2007 Vol.45 No.1/2, pp.47 - 60
Published online: 11 May 2007 *
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