Title: Brand equity: a systematic literature review
Authors: Maryam Alefpour Tarakameh; Sepideh Nasiri; Manouchehr Ansari; Maryam Goudarzi; Nazanin Jafarbekloo
Addresses: Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran ' Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran ' Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran ' Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran ' Faculty of Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran
Abstract: In today's competitive landscape, proactive companies are trying to achieve competitive edge and build a strong customer equity. Hence, focusing on brand equity (BE) as the most valuable intangible asset is essential for companies' continued survival and success. Managers are progressively searching for valuable practices to create substantial consumer-based BE. BE is significant in assisting consumers in processing information, especially when the information is overloaded. For firms, growing BE is a crucial objective to gain more favourable associations and feelings of target consumers. Accordingly, this paper addresses this issue through a systematic literature review of the selected papers that conveyed the concept of BE from 2015 to 2020, aiming to review BE concept, proposed BE models and the most frequent ones, the most widely used metrics in developing BE studies. We hope this study provide present conceptual, administrative, and applicable guidelines to the academic community, managers, and brand owners.
Keywords: brand equity; BE; consumer-based brand equity; brand equity models; measurement brand equity; brand equity dimensions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.133945
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 2023 Vol.14 No.4, pp.412 - 433
Received: 20 Jun 2021
Accepted: 18 Dec 2021
Published online: 06 Oct 2023 *