Title: Charismatic leadership traits (compassion, accessibility, and inclusiveness): measuring evolution and progression within organisations

Authors: Saso Krstovski; Valentina Krstovski

Addresses: Lawrence Technological University, 21000 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48075, USA ' Franklin University, 201 S Grant Ave, Columbus, OH 43215, USA

Abstract: Several publications have highlighted the importance of leadership traits. Three of the most frequently discussed topics are compassion, accessibility, and inclusion. This publication focuses on charismatic leadership traits and examines each of them in-depth and shows how they must complement each other within a leader's portfolio to provide a comprehensive approach to an organisational transformation. Each trait is assessed for evolution within six milestone journeys. Understanding where within the milestone each trait resides allows leaders to make the necessary adjustments to grow an employee's acceptance and embrace the vision. The paper develops a conceptual contribution and proposes a measurement for each trait's progression based on an employees' action, providing actionable insights for leadership. All three of these traits are crucial for a leadership style to provide financial success and allow future leaders' development.

Keywords: leadership behaviours; organisational development; compassion; accessibility; inclusiveness.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMD.2022.130934

International Journal of Management Development, 2022 Vol.2 No.3, pp.207 - 216

Received: 04 Dec 2021
Accepted: 15 Mar 2022

Published online: 14 May 2023 *

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