Title: Consumer response towards e-retailing of perishable agriculture commodities

Authors: Gautam Srivastava

Addresses: GL Bajaj Institute of Management and Research, Greater Noida, India

Abstract: Perishable agriculture commodities are essential for the people of any country. It is a basic need. In India, the major population of the country lives in the village, who are associated with agricultural products. The digital revolution has changed the way of retailing. E-retailers are selling perishable agriculture commodities through the digital platform. Consumers want fresh and quality perishable agriculture commodities at their doorstep by just clicking on their digital devices. This study tried to find out the response of the consumers in their journey from a physical place to digital space. A depth literature review has been done to determine the gap. Construct and items used in this research were taken from the previous research. The structured questionnaire has been sent to the respondents. The response rate was 38.87%. The structural equation model was used to develop the framework to measure the response of the consumers towards the e-retailing of perishable agriculture commodities.

Keywords: perishable agriculture commodities; e-retailers; stimulus organism response; environmental turbulence; perceived value; cultural differences.

DOI: 10.1504/IJTMKT.2023.130021

International Journal of Technology Marketing, 2023 Vol.17 No.2, pp.166 - 187

Received: 03 Jan 2022
Accepted: 30 May 2022

Published online: 04 Apr 2023 *

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