Title: Proposed cost-function standards for the Royal Thai Government's e-learning programme
Authors: Kongkiti Phusavat, Pornthep Anussornnitisarn
Addresses: International Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. ' International Graduate Program in Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Abstract: This paper attempts to propose cost-function standards to the Office of Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC) for design and planning on the e-learning programme|s implementation. This program is for the staff at the Royal Thai Government (RTG). These cost functions are intended to help OPDC administrators conduct several scenarios prior to the budget preparation stage. They are based on several data sources. For example, the numbers of skill topics are derived from the requirements in the Good Governance Act of 2003. Cost data are primarily acquired from extensive interviews and follow-up discussion sessions with the companies and users of e-learning. The proposed cost functions are tested and have received positive feedback from OPDC administrators. They represent a good baseline for further scenario developments and future sensitivity analyses.
Keywords: cost-functions; standards; e-learning; Thailand.
International Journal of Services and Standards, 2007 Vol.3 No.2, pp.188 - 202
Published online: 29 Mar 2007 *
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