Title: Behavioural reasoning perspectives in e-learning adoption

Authors: Muhammad Ahsan Sadiq

Addresses: Rajagiri Business School and Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kochi, India

Abstract: Previous studies on e-learning adoption have focused either on resistance or adoption factors in their frameworks; the novelty of our research is the modelling of both in a single framework by using behavioural reasoning theory (Westaby, 2005b). Prior to the study, context-specific 'reasons for' and 'reasons against' adoption of e-learning were identified using a semi-structured interview with 24 students. Based on the feedback, a questionnaire was designed, and final data was collected from four public universities in India (N = 377). Findings indicate that 'reasons against' e-learning adoption have a relatively stronger impact on adoption intentions than 'reasons for' adoption. The barrier of tradition was found to have the strongest influence on reasons against e-learning adoption, followed by usage and risk. Further, openness to change (values) was found to explain reasons for and against e-learning usage among students, besides explaining adoption attitudes. The novelty of our study lies in its examination of the influence of resistance and adoption factors in a single framework, which was missing in previous studies, wherein the focus was on either resistance or adoption factors.

Keywords: behavioural reasoning theory; reasons cognitions; e-learning; innovations.

DOI: 10.1504/IJLT.2022.129107

International Journal of Learning Technology, 2022 Vol.17 No.4, pp.293 - 319

Received: 01 Sep 2021
Accepted: 09 Mar 2022

Published online: 20 Feb 2023 *

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