Title: Globally linearising control of linear time-fractional diffusion-advection-reaction systems

Authors: Ahmed Maidi; Jean-Pierre Corriou

Addresses: Laboratoire de Conception et Conduite des Systѐmes de Production, Universitѐ Mouloud Mammeri, 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algѐrie, Algeria ' Reaction and Process Engineering Laboratory, Lorraine University, UMR 7274-CNRS, ENSIC, 1, Rue Grandville, BP 20451, 54001 Nancy Cedex, France

Abstract: The globally linearising control (GLC) structure is adopted to solve both the step tracking and disturbance rejection problems for distributed parameter system described by a time-fractional partial differential equation. The actuation is assumed to be distributed in the spatial domain while the controlled output is defined as a spatial weighted average of the state. First, following a similar reasoning to geometric control and based on the late lumping approach, an infinite dimensional state feedback that yields a fractional finite dimensional system in closed loop is developed. Then, the input of this resulting closed-loop system is defined by means of a robust controller to cope with step disturbances. Assuming that the output shaping function is non-vanishing, on the spatial domain, it is demonstrated that the GLC strategy is stable. Two applications examples are presented to show, through simulation runs, the stabilisation, step tracking and disturbance rejection capabilities of the GLC scheme.

Keywords: distributed parameter system; time-fractional partial differential equation; distributed control; input-output linearisation; globally linearising control; GLC; diffusion-advection-reaction system.

DOI: 10.1504/IJAAC.2023.127286

International Journal of Automation and Control, 2023 Vol.17 No.1, pp.73 - 90

Received: 27 Apr 2021
Accepted: 05 Aug 2021

Published online: 30 Nov 2022 *

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