Title: Experimental design for data collection to study the association between sports participation and academic achievement
Authors: Ruwan P. Premaraja
Addresses: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Polding Centre, 133, Liverpool Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Abstract: This study focuses on the experimental design concept to test the association between academic achievement and sports participation of secondary students. This association was tested using qualitative and quantitative data analysis through a case study. Findings displayed a similarity with the conceptual model by Fejgin (1994), with three strategies being identical: daily attendance, expansion of energy and school engagement. Additionally, inculcating patience, motivation to engage in learning, and improving concentration on studies were identified, extending an improved model to be used for future studies. Although a small sample was used in the study, findings reveal that participation in sport activities resulted in a direct academic improvement for 60% and progress from a lower average to higher average for 20% of students. Based on the extended model, data gathering instruments were designed for an extensive study which will provide empirical evidence to students, parents, teachers, school administrators and curriculum planners to make informed decisions.
Keywords: academic achievement; daily attendance; expansion of energy; experimental design; school engagement; sport participation.
International Journal of Learning and Change, 2022 Vol.14 No.4, pp.428 - 443
Received: 05 May 2020
Accepted: 19 Nov 2020
Published online: 27 Jul 2022 *