Title: Prescriptive pedagogy for design studios: a conceptual framework and congruent actions
Authors: Dave S. Knowlton
Addresses: Department of Educational Leadership, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Illinois 62026-1125, USA
Abstract: Design studios are becoming more common as a classroom environment within higher education. Because design studios serve to help students learn nebulous and iterative design practices, teaching design studio courses is extremely demanding; yet, existing academic literature offers no prescriptive pedagogical guidance for supervising and managing design studios. The major contribution of this article is the explication of a prescriptive design studio pedagogy that can be used across all design disciplines. This explication comes through the construction of a conceptual model and the population of that model with practical guidance. The guidance will be illustrated with examples from the field of instructional design and technology. This article concludes with implications for additional related scholarship.
Keywords: instructional design; instructional technology; pedagogy; design studios; design projects; design education; course design; prescriptive pedagogy.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2022 Vol.31 No.2, pp.189 - 212
Received: 26 Sep 2020
Accepted: 02 Feb 2021
Published online: 31 Jan 2022 *