Title: Information and communication technologies incorporation level in Colombian microenterprises
Authors: Edgar Sosa; Liliana Silva Ferreira; Marlio Campos
Addresses: Department of Distance Studies, SEAD UAM Research Group, Autonomous University of Manizales, Old Manizales Railway Station, Caldas, Colombia ' Department of Distance Studies, SEAD UAM Research Group, Autonomous University of Manizales, Old Manizales Railway Station, Caldas, Colombia ' Department of Distance Studies, SEAD UAM Research Group, Autonomous University of Manizales, Old Manizales Railway Station, Caldas, Colombia
Abstract: This article identifies the ICT incorporation level in Colombian microenterprises and determines its association with the following variables: age of the microenterprise, educational level of the microentrepreneur and the value given to the importance of incorporating ICT in the microenterprise. To identify the ICT level, a rubric was used, and a survey was given to 550 Colombian microentrepreneurs. The association of the variables was determined through the Chi-square statistical test together with the correspondence analysis. Results reveal that 77% of microenterprises are lagging behind and at a basic level in relation to the following categories: equipment, connectivity, web presence, electronic commerce, and social networks. Also, there is an association between the level of incorporation with the educational level variables and the value given to the importance of incorporating ICT in the microenterprise. No evidence was found on the association between the age of the company and the level of ICT incorporation.
Keywords: microenterprises; information and communication technology; ICT; ICT incorporation level; rubric; Colombia.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2021.120471
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, 2021 Vol.12 No.4, pp.369 - 391
Received: 03 Nov 2020
Accepted: 31 Aug 2021
Published online: 21 Jan 2022 *