Title: Computer literacy and student perception of blackboard learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

Authors: Esra Seddiq Abdoh

Addresses: Department of Information and Learning Resources, Taibah University, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Abstract: On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) as a global pandemic. Many educational institutions switched to online learning platforms to support academic operations. However, students' attitudes toward and perceptions of online learning are still not well understood. This study investigates students' attitudes toward blackboard and the relationship between students' computer literacy and these attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected via a survey of 250 students in the Information and Learning Resources Department at Taibah University. The study findings show a significant relationship between students' computer literacy levels and their attitudes toward adopting online studying. The decision makers at Taibah University can leverage the results of this study to help design classes and workshops that aim to improve computer literacy that empowers students' foundations for online learning environments. The high illiteracy in computer skills limited how students used the school blackboard because most could not access all of the necessary resources because of illiteracy.

Keywords: blackboard learning; COVID-19 pandemic; computer literacy; Taibah University.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIOME.2021.119115

International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education, 2021 Vol.7 No.2, pp.161 - 178

Received: 07 Apr 2021
Accepted: 08 Jul 2021

Published online: 22 Nov 2021 *

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