Title: TIPEC model implications for Indian e-learning context
Authors: Eliza Sharma
Addresses: Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Symbiosis International University, Bengaluru, 560100, India
Abstract: This study provides a comprehensive view of the TIPEC model describing 68 kinds of barriers for e-learning in developing nations especially India. SEM technique is used to test the TIPEC model in the Indian context, using the perceptions of 250 experts from the Indian academic sector, comprising of professors, deans, and directors currently serving in India's renowned institutes. The research endeavoured to reveal the e-learning pedagogical practices across different developing nations. The study highlighted the importance of enabling conditions for e-learning, by making proper planning for the technological infrastructure, improvement in individual approach towards e-learning both from the mentors and mentee along with the pedagogy to be adopted for the e-learning. Among the three kinds of barriers, the most important is technological barrier, which has a direct impact on the decision to use e-learning techniques by the users, while individual and pedagogy-related barriers were also found to have a negative and significant relationship with the decision to use e-learning techniques. This study will show a way forward to adopt and implement the e-learning techniques for educational development in the country. Further, the suggestions for elimination or the reduction of each kind of barrier will add a theoretical contribution to the literature.
Keywords: e-learning; electronic learning; TIPEC model; individual barriers; technological barriers; enabling constraints; pedagogy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKMS.2021.114531
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 2021 Vol.12 No.2, pp.183 - 201
Received: 13 Apr 2020
Accepted: 01 Sep 2020
Published online: 26 Apr 2021 *