Title: Diversifying activities and approaches in syllabi of language classes to meet different students' needs at Lebanese universities

Authors: Najib Najjar

Addresses: The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon

Abstract: Syllabus design is a building block in language learning. It is the tool that facilitates learning since it does not only answer what should be taught in a language course, but also how it should be taught. This article includes the most recent studies and common principles of designing modern communicative syllabi for language classes in terms of how the language should be taught. It considers recent research and experiments which emphasise the importance of mentioning the approach of teaching in the syllabus. It also focuses on local universities' language syllabi to check if the students' needs are taken in consideration, then if the teaching process achieves the goals mentioned in the syllabus and finally fulfil the needs of students. The data is collected and analysed using several methods. The results of this study reveal that the syllabi understudy did not take the students' needs as a criterion for how the language should be taught. The needs were not met, and the syllabi must be reconsidered. Faculties need to include the criteria of how the target language should be taught to such group.

Keywords: variation; activities; language syllabus; types of syllabus; students' needs and preferences.

DOI: 10.1504/EMJM.2020.113086

EuroMed Journal of Management, 2020 Vol.3 No.3/4, pp.208 - 225

Received: 15 Apr 2020
Accepted: 16 Apr 2020

Published online: 18 Feb 2021 *

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