Title: Automated micro insulin dispenser system based on the model predictive control algorithm
Authors: Akshaya Kumar Patra; Anuja Nanda
Addresses: Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar – 751030, Odisha, India ' Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ITER, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar – 751030, Odisha, India
Abstract: During the past few decades, optimal control of blood glucose (BG) concentration with adequate feedback loop has been of ample importance for type-I diabetes mellitus (TIDM) patients as far as an artificial pancreas (AP) realisation is concerned. Now-a-days, in addition to the BG control, the design of the micro-insulin dispenser (MID) with a robust control algorithm to regulate the other chronic clinical disorders based on prolonged medications is also quite indispensable. A novel model predictive controller with Laguerre functions (MPC/LF) has been proposed in this current work to solve the aforementioned problem. For the estimation of the MPC/LF parameters, a ninth order linearised structure of the TIDM patient with MID is taken. The productivity of the MPC/LF as to accuracy, robustness and stability has been checked through simulation. The acquired results obviously expose the better execution of the proposed strategy to control the BG level inside the normo-glycaemic extend (70-120 mg/dl). The validation of upgrading control execution of MPC/LF is exhibited by the relative outcome investigation with other well-known control procedures.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus; plasma glucose level; micro-insulin dispenser; MID; Laguerre functions; MPC/LF.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAMECHS.2020.112629
International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 2020 Vol.8 No.4, pp.144 - 154
Received: 14 May 2020
Accepted: 17 Aug 2020
Published online: 25 Jan 2021 *